Chapter 90
Luo Qingshan's expression was particularly dignified, and he hesitated to speak several times, and then he wanted to speak again.

Ye family, the energy of Ye family in the imperial capital is really immeasurable!
"Lin Feng, my uncle advises you, let's let go of the enmity with the Ye family, and wait for us to stabilize our strength, and then seek revenge from him." Luo Qingshan thought for a long time, and finally expressed his inner thoughts .

"In your eyes, the Ye family is so frightening that talking about it turns pale?" Lin Feng didn't know much about the Ye family, but Ye Yanluo's appearance was deeply engraved in his mind.

Three days later, he will go to the imperial capital, meet his grandfather Qin Long first, and then deploy the revenge plan.

"Lin Feng, do you know that in this mundane world, there are still extremely terrifying inheritance families?" Luo Qingshan frowned, very cautiously, for fear that the walls might have ears.

"Isn't it a big family that has been passed down for thousands of years? You know a thing or two." Lin Feng nodded.

"In our country of Hua, there are five great lineage families, namely Dongling, Xiye, Nanguo, Beiming, and Yelu family." Luo Qingshan said every word, quite dignified.

"I know the four families of Dongling, Xiye, Nanguo, and Beiming, but I have never heard of the Yelu family." Lin Feng repeated, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said: "Uncle Luo, could it be that Yelu The family was transformed from the Yelu family?"

"That's right! During the period of the Republic of China, very few people in the world knew about the Ye Family, which was transformed from Yelu's surname. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the strength of the Ye Family." Luo Qingshan nodded heavily.

"Is that's quite interesting." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, revealing an imperceptible sneer.

"Interesting? No, no, no, this is not interesting, you must not be too childish, Ye Family, you really can't move, at least not for the time being." Luo Qingshan comforted him earnestly.

Ever since he realized Lin Feng's nature, he was grateful for his daughter's choice, fortunate to have found a man like Lin Feng, and he could rest assured of her daughter's happiness for the rest of her life.

Therefore, Lin Feng cannot be allowed to suffer disaster because of the Ye family's affairs, he must try his best to stop it!

"Uncle Luo, I'll listen to you, don't move the Ye Family for now." Lin Feng nodded, with a calm expression on his brows.

"En! This choice is wise, it should be done like this." Luo Qingshan nodded gratifiedly upon hearing this.

Lin Feng closed his eyes, and secretly decided in his heart that he was just not moving the Ye family for the time being, and he would definitely move the Ye family after he helped the Luo family get rid of the Jiang family!

Ye Yanluo, the guy who killed his parents, he will never let him go!
So what about inheriting the family?

What if there are thousands of years of foundation?
Lin Feng has this self-confidence, even if the Ye family is a more terrifying hermit family, he will still destroy it quickly!
He promised Luo Qingshan first, he just didn't want to worry Luo Wanjun next to him.

"Brother Feng, the Ye family is really hard to contend with. Let's save our strength first, accumulate strength, and then we will deal a fatal blow to Ye Yanluo." Luo Wanjun raised his wine glass and said with firm eyes.

"En!" Lin Feng nodded.

"Wan Jun, aren't you pregnant? Have you already drank several cups just now? You can't drink any more, it's not good for the baby's development." Luo Qingshan suddenly remembered at this moment, and hurriedly stopped Luo Wanjun.

"Uh... yes, why did I forget?" Luo Wanjun's cheeks blushed, and because she had drunk a few cups by accident before, her face was even more rosy, very charming.

The three chatted very late and did not return home until after two o'clock in the morning.

in the living room.

"Well, I'm going to bed first, you two shouldn't be too late, wash up and sleep early." Luo Qingshan instructed Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun, and then returned to the bedroom.

"Your father said, let us both wash up and go to bed early, look..." Lin Feng touched the tip of his nose, showing a deep smile.

"Take a...bath together?" Luo Wanjun just blurted out the words, and covered her mouth shyly.

"It's not necessary to wash together, I mean, do we have to sleep together tonight?" Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"Then let's go together, so that my dad can be fooled, otherwise if he finds out that we sleep in separate rooms, then our previous drama will be exposed." Luo Wanjun lowered her head and smiled tactfully.

"It also makes sense." Lin Feng nodded quietly.

Luo Wanjun held on to the hem of the skirt tightly with both hands, and said with a slightly coy smile: "That's fine, then I'll take a shower first."

"Alright, after you take a shower, I'll go take a shower too." Lin Feng took a deep breath, thinking that he was going to sleep with Luo Wanjun later, he felt inexplicably impatient.

He has lived for 25 years and is still a virgin. Who will believe it?
However, tonight, this incident seemed to come a little suddenly, and he was really unprepared for a while.

Not long after, Luo Wanjun was wearing a white bathrobe, like a hibiscus coming out of water, and walked out of the bathroom, water droplets were still dripping from her hair, falling on the white bathrobe, soaking the gauze-like texture in an instant. So-so bathrobes.

Lin Feng was quite confused.

Is Luo Wanjun wearing a bathrobe or pajamas?
This is actually not important, what is important is that Luo Wanjun's standard S-shaped hot curve has been fully presented in front of him.

Too deadly.

Lin Feng had to admit that at this moment his mind was full of dirty thoughts.

"Brother Feng, I've finished washing." Luo Wanjun looked at Lin Feng's embarrassment affectionately, pursed her lips and chuckled back to the bedroom.

Lin Feng rushed into the bathroom immediately, turned on the shower, and poured a refreshing chill.


He took a long breath, and when he thought of Luo Wanjun's exquisite and delicate body, he couldn't bear it.

After he hurriedly circulated his true energy to get rid of the mess in his mind, he returned to normal.

Then, he quickly washed off the stinky sweat on his body, and when he was about to take the bathrobe, he was stupid.

In the bathroom, there was only one set of bathrobe left, which was women's style. His bathrobe was drying on the balcony and he hadn't brought it back yet. Could it be that he put on his sweaty clothes again?
Or, put on Luo Wanjun's bathrobe and go out?

Or, he simply didn't wear anything, and just walked out so openly?
Obviously, this is not possible.

Among the three options, it is more sensible to go out wearing Luo Wanjun's bathrobe.

Opening the door, Lin Feng stepped out of the bathroom.

"Lin Feng, this is..."

Luo Qingshan came out to pour water, happened to pass by the bathroom in the hallway, happened to see Lin Feng's attire at this time, and couldn't help feeling speechless.

With such a strong build, Lin Feng was wearing Luo Wanjun's bathrobe, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

"Well, I just took a shower." Lin Feng was extremely ashamed, and rushed to Luo Wanjun's bedroom.

"Well, your bathrobe is very nice, quite decent." Luo Qingshan didn't want Lin Feng to be so embarrassed, so he hurriedly said with a timely smile.

In Luo Wanjun's bedroom, Lin Feng was in an unprecedented embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, his future father-in-law would be such a humorous person.

"Brother Feng, what are you standing there for? It's already three o'clock in the morning." Luo Wanjun was lying on the bed, covered with a cool summer quilt, her round and round legs were slightly bent and exposed outside. .

"Okay." Lin Feng immediately looked away.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Lin Feng never looked back at Luo Wanjun, thinking secretly in his heart, do he really want to do it?
Is he taking advantage of others?Isn't that the style of a beast?
Don't do it, absolutely can't do it!

However, if you don't do it, will you be worse than a beast?

[There will be a third update tonight, please recommend a ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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