The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 91 Your Brother Is In My Hands [3 more tickets requested]

Chapter 91 Your Brother Is In My Hands [3 more tickets requested]

"Brother Feng, go to bed early."

Just when Lin Feng suddenly had an evil thought, Luo Wanjun's voice sounded softly.

Then, she turned sideways slightly, leaving Lin Feng the position of the bed, and closed her eyes.

She understood Lin Feng's thoughts.

Lin Feng's heart had not been avenged, so naturally he didn't have any extra emotions to show. He did this to respect his parents who died in vain.

Luo Wanjun is a well-educated woman, and also a reserved woman. Lin Feng didn't want her, so naturally she wouldn't take the initiative to tease her. Otherwise, Lin Feng would feel guilty instead.

Besides, it was also the first time for her, and she was not the kind of woman who was hungry and thirsty. She just wanted to leave Lin Feng with her most precious thing, that's all.

Lin Feng turned around, looked at Luo Wanjun's Qianqian back, sighed lightly, and showed a gratified smile on his face.

Those who know others are not Mr. Luo Wan.

He lay on the bed, feeling the fragrance of a woman penetrating his heart, and felt dizzy again.

Fortunately, this night, the two lived in peace.

The next morning.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes, he felt something clinging to him on his back, it was that kind of rushing warmth.

He turned around slightly, and saw Luo Wanjun who was still sleeping soundly, her whole body had been stuck to his back at some point.

Lin Feng gently moved Luo Wanjun away, and then he realized that his body was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

He couldn't help feeling emotional, in the future, unless he had to, he should not sleep in the same room with Luo Wanjun, it was very tiring, far more tiring than fighting with those old guys with bare hands.

He walked out of the bedroom gently, went back to his room and changed his clothes, when he just walked out of the hall and wanted to buy breakfast, he happened to see Luo Qingshan walking towards him with some breakfast in his hand.

"Uncle Luo, just leave the trivial matter of buying breakfast to me." Lin Feng smiled.

"You, why did you get up so early? Last night..." Luo Qingshan looked at Lin Feng, feeling slightly confused, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

After all, young people are energetic!

Lin Feng didn't know what Luo Qingshan's doubts meant, but he couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought of what happened last night.

"Well, then prepare to eat." Luo Qingshan walked into the room with a smile.

The breakfast was very sumptuous, and Lin Feng ate with great relish in the dining room.

"Eat more and nourish your body. Don't think that you don't pay attention to your body when you are young. Some things need to be restrained." Luo Qing laughed and said: "Men, they need to be full of blood to be more masculine."

"Uncle Luo, if you actually want to replenish blood, I recommend a tonic for you. It's called Juyuan Pill. It can regulate yin and yang, nourish blood and qi, and has no side effects. It is suitable for all of the above." Lin Feng grinned suddenly.

"Oh, yes!"

"Juyuan Pill, but the best treasure for nourishing qi and blood, how could I have neglected it?!" Luo Qingshan patted his thigh, suddenly awakened.

His speech and demeanor at this time are as amiable as a father, and he does not have the majesty that the head of the Luo family should have.

"Dad, what are you talking about, so happy?" Luo Wanjun walked into the restaurant after washing.

"Of course let's talk about Juyuan Pill. Hahaha, Wanjun, as a woman, you must take good care of your man. You should also take more supplements like Juyuan Pill." Luo Qingshan solemnly said the way.

"Dad... what are you talking about?"

Luo Wanjun's face turned red instantly.

"Oh... oh oh, hehehe, let's not talk anymore, you two are not children anymore, take care of yourself more, the time is almost up, I should go too." Luo Qingshan glanced at the time, yes It's time to return to the imperial capital.

The all-night long talk he had with Lin Feng last night made him more confident, and he had a clearer direction for the future development of his Luo family.

After half an hour.

Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun sent Luo Qingshan and several Luo family bodyguards to the airport.

After returning to the company, Luo Wanjun returned to the office immediately and began to check the sales of Juyuan Dan in the market today.

Lin Feng went to the security department. Liu Fei was seriously injured last night. After he combed it himself, Liu Fei's meridians have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Good morning Assistant Lin!"

"Hi Assistant Lin!"


As soon as Lin Feng walked into the security department, the guards on duty immediately jumped up straight and greeted each other one after another.

"Hello everyone, let's go to our own business, let me come and see Liu Fei." Lin Feng smiled.

"Assistant Lin, Section Chief Liu, he got up at six o'clock and went out, saying that he had a date." One of the security guards immediately reported.

"A date?" Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully. It is already 08:30, and Liu Fei has been away for more than two hours.

"When he comes back, let him call me back." Lin Feng waved his hand and left.

When he gradually walked away, the faces of the security guards on duty at the gate were full of joy.

"Did you see that? Assistant Lin just smiled at us!"

"Yes, yes! Assistant Lin is rumored to be extremely indifferent and unkind. Everyone is afraid, and they are particularly worried about being targeted by him. Looking at it just now, he should be right about things and wrong about people, and he has no airs at all. "

Many of the newly recruited security guards were not very familiar with Lin Feng. They only knew that Lin Feng's behavior style was consistent, and they dismissed the former chief of the security department and the head of the public relations department successively.

Especially last night, the butcher with white beard and hair who broke in in the middle of the night was killed by Lin Feng on the spot after severely injuring Liu Fei. They will never forget that scene for the rest of their lives.

At this time, Lin Feng, who had already entered the hall, smiled slightly.

In the eyes of others, he is not only indifferent, at least he is reasonable.

At this moment, Lin Feng's cell phone rang.

"Brother Feng, it's me, Liu Fei, don't come, don't come!"

"Liu Fei, what's the matter? What happened!" Lin Feng immediately became alert. Liu Fei's voice expressed helplessness, panic, worry, and effort after being injured!

"Lin Feng! Your brother is in my hands. If you don't want him to die, come to Wisteria Manor in half an hour!"

On the phone, a ferocious voice suddenly rang out.


The phone has been hung up!

Lin Feng's anger instantly soared to the sky!

Someone kidnapped Liu Fei and threatened him to go to the Wisteria Manor!

Wisteria Manor!

There was a murder in that place three years ago!
He will never forget it in his life!

There, his parents were killed one after another, and he was cut off by someone!

Who is the other party?

Why did you choose to kidnap Liu Fei?

Why choose to meet at Wisteria Manor? ! !
At this moment, Lin Feng's mind was a little messed up, and he immediately decided to go.

"No matter who the other party is, you shouldn't threaten the people around me!"

"What's the matter, come to me!"

Lin Feng murmured in a deep voice, and a layer of monstrous evil spirit permeated his body in an instant.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Lin Feng's good brother Mo Bei suddenly appeared in front of him driving a six-eyed demon motorcycle.

"Mo Bei, I'm going to trouble you for the safety of Jun Jun. I'll go out for a while." Lin Feng said in a calm voice.

"En! Don't worry!" Mo Bei saw that something was wrong with Lin Feng's eyes, so he didn't ask any further questions. One look between the two brothers was enough.

Lin Feng straddled sideways, stepped on Mo Bei's motorcycle, and galloped towards the Wisteria Manor!

[Submit it at the third watch, continue tomorrow, ask for all support, thank you Qingfeng]

(End of this chapter)

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