The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 92 Garbage shouldn't live in the world!

Chapter 92 Garbage shouldn't live in the world!
XC District, Wisteria Manor.

Looking from a distance, a piece of green grass, lush flowers and trees, rippling lake springs, and white stone pillars surrounded by wisteria clusters stand majestically in the early morning mist.

Looking closer, the exquisitely carved wrought iron gate and the unique European-style fence set off the grand beauty of this manor. This was originally a public manor open to the public. After a tragedy happened three years ago , then faded out of people's field of vision and became an abandoned manor without management.

All of this is thanks to Ye Yanluo!
Lin Feng stared at all this, and the scenes from three years ago reappeared in front of his eyes.

Inside the manor.

"Hei Hu, isn't that kid going to die?" A fair-looking and handsome man with a bit of a sissy voice rolled his eyes at Liu Fei, who was paralyzed on the ground with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Gu Lan, this kid's life and death are not part of our mission, you just have to remember, that Lin Feng must die today!" Hei Hu squinted his eyes, and his face was full of sternness.

"Hey, you don't know how to take gunpowder today, do you? Why are you so fierce to others?" Gu Lan gave Heihu a blank look with her resentful little eyes, and walked towards the door with a soft hum.

"Gu Lan, I said you can't just sit down and relax?" Hei Hu opened his eyes, a little sullen.

"Be quiet?"

"If you don't get rid of Lin Feng, how can you let him live in peace?" Gu Lan pursed her lips angrily, and finally sat down.

"Don't worry, Lin Feng will definitely not be late. There are still 10 minutes before half an hour, so he should be there soon." Hei Hu, with a strategizing expression, picked up the small flagon he was carrying with him, and took a few sips .

"Just because his parents died here that year, he will definitely come here?" Gu Lan frowned, not believing this.

"You bitch, how do you know the nature of a man?" Heihu said cheerfully, "Don't forget, this is the order from Lord Gu himself. She said that Lin Feng will come, so she will definitely come."

"That's right, the plan of the valley master Wen Bilan has never failed." Gu Lan's face immediately filled with a teasing smile, and then said: "After that Lin Feng arrives, you just sit here and watch the show. give it to me."

"It's not impossible to leave it to you, but you have to remember that the death of the butcher was killed by him with one blow. Although your strength is higher than that of the butcher, it is not good if you take it lightly." Heihu said solemnly analyzed.

"Even if I can't beat you, don't you still have you, Brother Heihu?" Gu Lan showed a coquettish smile, like a charming woman.

Heihu nodded and closed his eyes again.

The two of them came from Death Valley, known as black and white double evil, ranked 72 earth evil, belonged to the top two, only one step away from the strength of 36 Tiangang.

Last night, the Butcher and Black Rose were supposed to take Lin Feng's body back to Death Valley for a business trip, but the news they were waiting for at the hotel was that the Butcher had died and Black Rose was missing!

As a result, the order from the owner of the valley, Wen Bilan, could not be fulfilled, so the two had no choice but to go out in person and plan to invite Lin Feng to come here.

The reason why they didn't go to Ankang Pharmaceutical in a grand manner was only because of the owner's warning that the world should not let the world know about their Death Valley.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, Heihu's cell phone rang.

"black Rose?"

Heihu answered the phone and immediately questioned: "Mission failed, do you know what it means? You didn't want to try to remedy it, but you disappeared? Now that you have shown up, you should quickly return to Death Valley to plead guilty to the owner of the valley. Why did you call at this time? thing?"

"Heihu, I will take care of my Black Rose's prey, you and Gulan are not allowed to interfere!" Black Rose sat in the car and stopped at the entrance of Ankang Pharmaceutical Company, angrily yelling at Heihu on the phone.

She originally thought that she would come to Ankang Pharmaceutical today as a business customer to discuss business, but after inquiring, she found out that Lin Feng was not in the company!
After searching for all the powerful clues, she discovered that someone first made an appointment with a man named Liu Fei, and then Lin Feng would leave the company.

"Just relying on your charm technique? Hehehe, a person who can kill a butcher, do you think your charm technique still works?"

"Also! Lin Feng won't survive 10 minutes, even if you know where we are, it's too late!"

Heihu said slowly: "Of course, if you agree to talk about life with me tonight, you will be credited for this credit, and you won't be blamed by the owner of the valley, how about it?"

"Go away! Disgusting guy!"

Black Rose immediately shouted: "I won't go, I'll just wait for the news of your death!"

Immediately, Black Rose hung up the phone with a playful smile on her face.

Lin Feng's toughness, black and white double evil is simply hearsay, and he is naturally arrogant in his heart.

And she, last night, clearly saw how Lin Feng made a move, how he killed the butcher with one blow!
That kind of method, that kind of strength, if it is placed in Death Valley, it will definitely rank first in the 36 Tiangang, and it is even capable of defeating the four guardians!

Just relying on these two black and white double evil spirits of 72 earth evil spirits, still wanting to kill Lin Feng is simply a dream come true!

She didn't sleep all night last night, and had already figured out how to kill Lin Feng. Apart from using softness to overcome strength, she also needed a favorable opportunity.


Wisteria Manor, inside the villa.

"This stinky bitch! You're still pretending to be a pure lady in front of me, she's just a little slut, wait until I'm promoted to the position of Tiangang, see if I don't rub her hard!" Heihu listened to the busy tone coming from the phone , crushing the phone in a rage.

This task was personally issued by the valley owner Wen Bilan. If the two of them successfully complete it, they will be promoted to the position of Tiangang. By then, he will be eligible to enter the secret realm of the profound entrance!
"Hei Hu, why do you want to be with that little girl? Are you not satisfied with me?" Gu Lan strolled over at this time, with resentment on his face, he punched Hei Hu hard.

"Gu Lan, don't you not like to listen to my brother. You are a man after all, and you can't compare with a woman no matter what." Hei Hu grabbed Gu Lan's arm and embraced it as if.

"I hate it!" Gu Lan snorted, and then snuggled into Hei Hu's arms.

"Hahaha! Are you shy sometimes? It really surprises me!" Seeing this, Heihu's burning desire sprouted.

"This is the depth of love, and you want to do things in broad daylight?"

Suddenly, Lin Feng's voice came from far to near, reaching the ears of Hei Hu and Gu Lan.

"Here we come!" Hei Hu stared angrily, and immediately stood up.

"Hate!" Gu Lan stared outside with eyes full of resentment.

Lin Feng's figure appeared in an instant, and after seeing Liu Fei's tragic state lying on the ground, he was instantly furious.

"Garbage should not live in the world!"

Lin Feng took the lead in squatting down to check Liu Fei's injuries. Hei Hu and Gu Lan were enveloped in those endlessly cold eyes.

[Please recommend tickets, and thank you for all your support to Qingfeng]

(End of this chapter)

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