Chapter 93
"Don't be ashamed!"

Heihu's brow was ashen, and he flew into a rage.

His already dark complexion was even darker now.

"Arrogant boy, do you know who we are? Who are you calling rubbish?!" Gu Lan, who had a fair complexion, also turned purple at this time, pinched the orchid fingers, and pointed at Lin Feng angrily.

"Who are you? I'm not interested in knowing. I just want to know why you asked me to meet at this Wisteria Manor!" Lin Feng helped the unconscious Liu Fei to sit up. Black Tiger and Ancient Blue.

Liu Fei was seriously injured. If he came a few minutes late, the consequences would be unimaginable. He did not hesitate to expend his true energy, pouring in a steady stream.

"Not interested in knowing who the two of us are? Hmph! Today I insist on letting you know who the two of us are!" Hei Hu clenched his fists tightly, restraining himself from making a move, and motioned to Gu Lan.

Gu Lan understood, and snorted coldly: "I might as well tell you, we are from Death Valley, known as Black and White Shuangsha!"

"Death Valley? Black and white double evil? So what!" Lin Feng dismissed the argument.

In the final analysis, Liu Fei was tricked by the two people, Yan Qian. He didn't need to guess the reason, he also understood that it was naturally because of his name Lin Feng!

Then, these two people are bound to pay the price for this.

"Brother Hu, this kid is so crazy, I'm going to dismantle him!" Gulan slammed his mouth, hearing that Lin Feng didn't care about their names at all, he wanted to rush over in one step.

"No!" Heihu sensed Lin Feng's aura, stopped Gu Lan immediately, then walked towards Lin Feng with a flick of his arm.

An existence that can kill a butcher with one blow cannot be shushed.

"Since you can kill the butcher, then your strength is not bad, I will give you a decent way to die!" Heihu sneered uncertainly.

He wanted to irritate Lin Feng, and when the other party lost his mind, he would shoot with one blow, just in case.

"I'll review it again, why did you choose to invite me here?" Lin Feng said in a deep voice, he needs a reason!
Here, there are too many painful memories of him!

"It is said that your parents were killed here three years ago, is there such a thing?" Heihu said slowly.

"I don't want to hear nonsense!"

Suddenly, like a ghost, Lin Feng stood in front of the approaching Heihu.

The distance between the two is only three meters!
"You... your speed is not bad!" Even though Hei Hu was prepared, he had to admit that Lin Feng's reaction speed had exceeded his expectations.

"Strength will not let you down!" Lin Feng swung out an iron fist before finishing his sentence.

The strong wind of the fist roared and crackled the surrounding air, and the blow hit Heihu's face.


Heihu was killed with one blow, and fell straight back on the ground.

This punch was so simple and direct that Hei Hu was too embarrassed to react, and he felt the immediate sense of death.

He didn't realize until his death that under the premise that he was well prepared, he could still be wiped out by Lin Feng's silent blow.

"Brother Tiger!!!"

Gu Lan, who was five meters away, screamed with all his strength, his face was frantic, he absolutely couldn't accept the fact in front of him.

His relationship with Heihu is quite deep, and he is also the man he has always admired and liked!

"Brother Tiger!"

Gu Lan rushed over stumblingly, knelt down and embraced the man she loved, crying pear blossoms with rain.

"Lin Feng! Lin Feng! You're going to die!" Gu Lan hoarse, staring at Lin Feng angrily with a pair of fire-breathing eyes.

Lin Feng frowned when he saw this. It was nothing new for men to like men, but the scene in front of him disgusted him.

"Tell me, who did you listen to the instigation to arrange for me to meet here?" Lin Feng looked down at the heartbroken Gu Lan.

"I forbid you to say that my man is weak!"

Gu Lan put down the black tiger's body and stood up suddenly.

"This is the truth!" Lin Feng stepped forward.

Gu Lan didn't flinch in the slightest, standing where he was.

Yes, he thought he was not Lin Feng's opponent, and there was no need to make a rash move. He just wanted to tell Lin Feng that he had already put life and death aside!

"Brother Feng!"

At this time, Liu Fei who was leaning against the wall slowly woke up.

"Liu Fei, sit there and don't move." Lin Feng turned slightly sideways, and looked at each other with a solemn expression.

"Brother Feng, they are avenging Xue Siniang." Liu Fei said out of breath.

"I know." Lin Feng nodded.

From the arrival of the butcher last night, he knew that the so-called group of Death Valley people were avenging Xue Siniang's death.

"Xue Siniang is also from Death Valley. Her death is related to the interests of the valley owner. Therefore, they deliberately asked you to meet here. It must be their valley owner's order." Liu Fei finished speaking in one breath, and his body was filled with anger. Layers of sweating.

Earlier, while he was still asleep, he received a mysterious phone call, saying that in the Wisteria Manor, a relic related to Lin Feng's parents had been found. To surprise Lin Feng, he came right away.

However, even though he was a scout, he didn't realize that the two people in ambush here were black and white from Death Valley, and he was beaten violently by them as soon as they met.

"That's right! He said exactly what he said. It was exactly what our valley owner Wen Bilan ordered. She knew that your Lin family died here three years ago, so she invited you here!" Gu Lan suddenly laughed angrily, Acknowledged Liu Fei's statement.

"You Valley Master Wen Bilan is an idiot at best!" Lin Feng snorted coldly.

Even if he hadn't invited him to the Wisteria Manor, and his brother Liu Fei had been held hostage, he would definitely come. This is absolutely superfluous!

Gu Lan's smile became more reckless, he bent down and hugged the black tiger in his arms, and said unscrupulously: "Lin Feng, I admit that you are very strong, strong enough to rank among the 36 Tiangang's strength, but so what? ?”

"Want to leave? No! Not only can't you leave today, but I want you to see with your own eyes how I destroyed Death Valley!" Lin Feng didn't take it seriously, and looked at Gu Lan as if he was about to leave, feeling cold in his heart.

"Want to destroy our Death Valley? Hahaha, this is definitely a big joke!"

"Furthermore, I want to leave, but no one can stop me!" As soon as Gu Lan finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

His combat power may not be as good as others, but his ability to escape is extremely strong!
"Brother Feng! He..." Liu Fei stared wide-eyed, watching Gu Lan disappear in place, and couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

Seeing Gu Lan disappear suddenly, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, and then his brows relaxed.

Qimen dunjia technique!

He didn't expect that this seemingly sissy Gu Lan would have such spells on her body.

"No problem! He can't escape!"

Lin Feng's figure also disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again, he was already standing by the fountain pool in the manor.

It's just a joke to cast Qimen Dunjia in front of him!
You know, he has the unique knowledge of Guigu, and he has a lot of research on the technique of Qimen Dunjia!
"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, at three o'clock on Lin Feng's right, there was the sound of a car engine roaring.

"Lin Feng! Wait for my crazy revenge!" The person in the driver's seat was Gu Lan who was about to run away, his eyes were red as if bleeding!

Lin Feng was shocked suddenly.

According to Dunjia's position, Gu Lan should appear here after disappearing from the villa!
"Who did he learn from?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, then started his fastest speed and chased after Gu Lan.

He had a hunch that Gu Lan's unique Dunjia technique was even better than him!
At this time, Gu Lan must not be allowed to leave, otherwise, there will only be immeasurable revenge in the future!
[To put it simply, the book will be available for purchase at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow...

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(End of this chapter)

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