The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 94 Ending the War with War 【Subscription】

Chapter 94 Ending the War with War 【Subscription】

Lin Feng's speed reached the extreme.

Gu Lan drove an off-road jeep and fled quickly, reaching the extreme speed.

As long as he could escape for his life, he had no scruples and went on a rampage all the way, avoiding the vehicles on the road, and no less than a dozen vehicles were knocked over.

Lin Feng was secretly anxious. This was the first time he failed to control the situation after returning to the city!
Without hesitation, he immediately poured his true energy into the three-inch bronze sword he was carrying.

"go with!"

Like a shooting star, the three-inch bronze sword aimed at the off-road jeep that Gu Lan was driving.

"call out!"

In an instant, the dark green bronze sword pierced through the off-road jeep that Gu Lan was driving as if entering an uninhabited land.


With a bang, the off-road jeep fell apart on the spot.

Lin Feng's figure also approached in a flash. Looking at the flaming car, fearing that he would hurt passers-by, he condensed his true energy with both hands, and drove straight in, controlling the fire to the smallest range before approaching the off-road vehicle.

It's a pity that Gu Lan had been buried in the sea of ​​flames, and Lin Feng couldn't find out where Gu Lan's unique ability to escape armor came from. It's a bit regretful.

At this time, the passers-by nearby were already in a panic.

In order to calm everyone down, Lin Feng could only apologize and tell everyone that a blockbuster sci-fi movie is being filmed, please don't panic, if there is any accidental injury, someone will come to settle the claim later.

Lin Feng didn't care about explaining, and returned to the Wisteria Manor immediately.

Then, he brought Liu Fei back to Ankang Pharmaceutical, and immediately notified Luo Wanjun, asking her to prepare some funds and manpower, and go to the Wisteria Manor to settle the injury claim.

Luo Wanjun didn't ask in detail, because what Lin Feng told must be very important, so she did it herself and went straight to the Wisteria Manor.

At noon, Luo Wanjun returned to the company.

Lin Feng sat in the meeting room, silent.

"Brother Feng, thirteen cars were knocked over, and 21 people suffered fractures and injuries to varying degrees, so there were no casualties." Luo Wanjun walked quietly and said softly.

"Well, I'm to blame for this matter." Lin Feng sighed heavily without explaining too much.

To some extent, he is too conceited!

If he doesn't ask too many questions...

If he had killed Gulan immediately, there would not have been so many innocent people injured.

However, there is no if!
The thing has already happened, and if you want to save it, the only way is to completely destroy Death Valley, so as to avoid future troubles!

"Brother Feng, let's make a decision, brother, I will accompany you to eradicate those bastards!" Mo Bei, who had been silent by the side, knew something about this matter, and solemnly suggested.

"Depart in the afternoon." Lin Feng decided immediately.

He didn't want to kill too much, but everything in reality made him have to fight to end his death!

"Wan Jun, how is the sales of Juyuan Pill?" Lin Feng changed the topic after lighting a cigarette.

"Hmm! It's even more popular than expected." Luo Wanjun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "As of noon, [-] Juyuan Pills have been sold out through Sun Chengjun's sales channels."

"So fast?" Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

The price he customized is 2 yuan each, which is a bit expensive, but it is worth the price!

He was also a little surprised by such a hot sales volume.

However, the high price has also prevented some ordinary people from buying, and rational sales activities must be made in the follow-up.

"Mr. Wan, Mo Bei and I are going out tonight. Remember, don't trust any unknown and unfamiliar information easily. Wait for me to come back." Lin Feng stood up, with calm wisdom on his brows.

"Then be careful." Luo Wanjun is a sensible person, he can see Lin Feng's anger now, he didn't ask too much, just nodded silently.

"When I come back, I will bring more raw materials for Juyuan Pill, and then we will set off for the imperial capital tomorrow." After Lin Feng finished speaking, he quietly left the conference room.

Beishendu, avenge his parents!
Mo Bei immediately got up and laughed: "Sister-in-law, I'll go talk to Brother Feng."

"Mo Bei, thank you for going with him, be careful." Luo Wanjun nodded heavily.

Mo Bei looked at each other and smiled, then followed Lin Feng.

"Mo Bei, I will go to Death Valley alone in the evening, you stay here and secretly protect Jun Jun." Lin Feng leaned on the window sill and sensed Mo Bei's arrival, and said softly.


For the first time, Mo Bei resolutely opposed Lin Feng's decision.

"I've made up my mind." Lin Feng said solemnly, looking back.

"Brother Feng, you must know that those people in Death Valley are all vicious, and they are all murderers gathered from all corners of the country. Who doesn't have more than a dozen lives? I heard about it when I was a killer." Mo Bei shook his head resolutely.

It was too dangerous for Lin Feng to go to Death Valley alone!

"You have overlooked one point. They are not only desperadoes who are murdered, but also have some energy in the way of martial arts, and only a little. I am enough." Lin Feng gently supported Mo Bei's shoulders, very serious Said: "Mo Bei, I hope you can protect Jun Jun for me, okay?"

"Brother Feng..." Mo Beichang sighed, hesitated to speak, and finally nodded.

"Well! Just as long as you agree, I can devote myself to the battle. I'm really looking forward to how much information Death Valley has!" Lin Feng's eyes flickered with anticipation, and more of it was killing.

04:30 in the afternoon.

Lin Feng and Mo Bei left Ankang Pharmaceutical together to reassure Luo Wanjun.

Then, after driving one kilometer away, Mo Bei got off the car.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I will hide and swear to protect my sister-in-law's safety. You don't need to worry about this side, take care of yourself." After Mo Bei finished speaking, he walked away in a flash.

Lin Feng nodded in relief, and disappeared at the end of the avenue while driving the Dongfeng Iron Armor.


Death Valley is located in the northwest of Tianhai City, between the mountains about 150 kilometers away.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, there are many mountains and rocks, towering old trees, and traffic jams. There is only one rugged sandy and mud road leading to Death Valley.

Between the two mountains, there is a natural cave. From the outside, it is covered by many dense forests, densely covered with thorns, and full of dangers.

After entering the cave, the inside is unique.

Inside the cave, there are singing birds and fragrant flowers, as well as crystal-clear brooks.

At the top of the cave, there are densely packed hollows, and the sunlight and air penetrating in are enough to keep the air in the cave from being too humid.

In addition, there are as many as hundreds of regular cave dwelling bedrooms. Surprisingly, they are also equipped with some modern equipment such as household appliances.

In the huge cave, there are about a hundred men and women of different colors, and the aura of each person is enough to make the world terrified.

They were sitting in front of several stone tables, eating wild wild game and chatting about some secrets.

None of them noticed that an uninvited guest had come to the outskirts of Death Valley!
At six o'clock in the evening, Lin Feng arrived by car.

The setting sun was setting, and the setting sun was like blood. The western sky seemed to be burned, and half of the sky was red.

Tonight, Death Valley is destined to completely become Death Valley!

【Kneeling for subscription support, thank you Qingfeng】

(End of this chapter)

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