The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 96 Bloody Death Valley

Chapter 96 Bloody Death Valley

"You disgust me!"

Lin Feng sneered and said, "However, I highly appreciate your style of doing things, and it saved me a lot of time."

"Are you Lin Feng?" Wen Bilan's expression changed instantly.

"Didn't you always want to kill me? As you wish, I'm here." Lin Feng strode forward with one hand on his back.

"Okay, very good!" Wen Bilan narrowed her eyes slightly, and her face instantly became sullen.

"Tell me, what is your relationship with Ye Yanluo?" As soon as Lin Feng opened his mouth, it filled Wen Bilan's eardrums like a thunderbolt.

"He's my sworn brother." Wen Bilan was straightforward, answering questions and getting rid of her relationship with Ye Yanluo.

"That makes sense." Lin Feng nodded.

"So, you must die!" Wen Bilan pinched her hands, as if she was planning something.

"Ye Yanluo still cares about my existence?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

"Just you little bastard of the Lin family, why would my elder brother care about your existence? Killing you is all up to my own thoughts!" Wen Bilan raised her neck slightly, and stared at Lin Feng from a bird's-eye view.

Lin Feng's face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and the aura on his body was filled with endless killing intent. It was useless to talk more, so he swung his fist.

However, Wen Bilan didn't retreat, her body was filled with icy coolness, a trace of cold air surrounded her body surface, and she suddenly waved her palms.

"Qingcheng Ice Palm!" Lin Feng quickly retreated, turned around and stood not far away.

"Bang bang bang!"

A pair of icy palms from Wen Bilan were extremely cold, like overwhelming the sea, rolled up the surrounding rocks, immediately condensed and frozen together, and then completely melted into powder.

"Good boy, your speed is quite fast, and you have reached the stage of energy transformation at such a young age!" Wen Bilan couldn't help being a little surprised when he missed a move.

She also had reached the strength of the initial stage of energy transformation, and being able to escape from her lightning-fast palm was enough to demonstrate Lin Feng's strength.

"It's useless. It will take at least a quarter of an hour for you to use this palm. It's not enough to kill me." Lin Feng had to admit that Wen Bilan's strength was unfathomable.

Even with his current strength, it would be difficult to fight against.

You must know that in this secular world, there are very few people who can reach the stage of energy transformation!

"Actually, you and I don't want to go to war, so how about I leave you the qualification to enter the secret realm of the profound entrance?" Wen Bilan seemed to be hit by Lin Feng's words. Driven by internal force.

"Let me conspire with the enemy? You underestimate me too much. Do you still need me for the qualification of the profound entrance secret realm?" Lin Feng just said this, without further words, his figure was as fast as lightning, and he approached Wen Bilan one step at a time.


"Boom bang bang..."

Lin Feng's fist speed reached the limit, and he hit Wen Bilan hard one after another.

He knew that after reaching the energy transformation stage, his body would naturally be stronger than ordinary people, and if he slack off a bit, Wen Bilan might escape from his grasp.

"Eat me again!"

Wen Bilan was beaten violently by Lin Feng, and with all her strength, she swung another cold palm.

Accurate, hit!

Before Lin Feng realized it, it was very difficult to get away, so he simply held on and was hit in the stomach.

However, he did not let Wen Bilan relax, the three-inch bronze sword in his hand was instantly struck out by him.

"Across all directions!"

A powerful sword energy that could invincible a hundred-step flying sword erupted in a "fan-shaped" shape with Lin Feng at the center.

" could you..."

Wen Bilan wanted to retreat violently, but the sword aura that hit her made it impossible for her to retreat. She just watched the sword aura cut across her neck.


Before dying, Wen Bilan looked up to the sky and cried out.

She is unwilling!

In another three months, she will be able to enter the secret realm of the profound entrance, and then step into the road of cultivation. Longevity is not impossible!

Wen Bilan's body fell to the ground with a bang!
Lin Feng leaned back on the mountain, the cramping pain in his stomach made him clenched his teeth.

The icy palm that hit just now missed his body by a tiny bit, and the consequences would be unimaginable!
Turning his head, he listened to the cries of weapons fighting in the valley. The scuffle of hundreds of people was still going on, and he quickly sat in a circle and began to recover the vitality in his body.

This battle was the first time he was wounded and bled after leaving Guigu.

He didn't notice that when the blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, it happened to fall into his hand, and the three-inch bronze sword instantly sank into the body of the sword.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Feng opened his eyes, he quickly looked at the three-inch bronze sword in his hand.

This sword was bought by Sun Chengjun at a sky-high price of 40 billion in the last charity auction, and then given to him.

So much so that until now, he has not really studied the mystery of it.

However, just now he clearly felt that this sword seemed to have been connected with his blood and merged into one body.

"Could it be that this is what the master said, to recognize the master with a drop of blood!" Lin Feng was quite surprised, and looked at the dragon's finger in the thumb of his left hand, and he was shocked again.

Not just a three-inch bronze sword!

This dragon-headed black jade finger, which symbolizes the owner of Guigu Valley, was also recognized by him inadvertently dripping blood.

"It seems that there is still..." inside the wrench.

Lin Feng quickly calmed down, his mind was connected with his fingers, and he was surprised to find that there was a five-square-meter Sumeru space inside!
A letter written by his master suddenly appeared before his eyes.

"Feng'er, there are so many wonders in the world, when you realize that there is a space inside the finger of the dragon head, you need to remember one thing. Soon, you will definitely enter the secret realm of the profound entrance, and you can come to your senior brother Fu Zhan to support each other. "

There is only one sentence in the letter, but the amount of information is huge.

"I still have a senior brother...Senior Fu Zhan?" After pondering, Lin Feng got up and stood up.

Then, he lifted Wen Bilan's body and walked into Death Valley.

At this time, Nuo Da's valley was already in a state of disarray, with blood stains running across the ground and corpses everywhere, it was too horrible to look at.

There are only three people left!
The four people known as the Four Great Protectors had already been beaten to death by a group of knives.

"Everyone, go ahead, but in terms of time, you need to be quicker!" Lin Feng walked over loudly, still holding Wen Bilan's body in his hand.

"What are you..."

"Valley Master!"

"The owner of the valley is dead!"

"What about our quota?!"

The three of them were covered in blood. After seeing the corpse in Lin Feng's hands, they were shocked one after another.

"You, die first!"

Lin Feng said coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed, and with his thoughts, the three-inch bronze sword sealed his throat and killed the person who wanted to scold him on the spot.

"This..." The other two were shocked on the spot.

Control the flying sword!

Isn't this a legendary skill that only monks can have, controlling flying swords!
"Pfft! Pfft!"

Two streams of blood rose up one after another, and finally these two people also died under the three-inch bronze sword.

Death Valley, destroyed!

Immediately, Lin Feng turned around and started on his way home.


At the same time, in a luxurious manor somewhere in the imperial capital, a man with a beard in his fifth decade suddenly burst out of the study.

"Lan'er...she's gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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