The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 97 The Northern God Capital

Chapter 97 The Northern God Capital
Ye Yan Luo!
This person is Ye Yanluo!

In his study room, there are three soul stones. Just now, the soul stone of his younger sister, Wen Bilan, was shattered!

You must know that in this secular world, masters whose strength has reached the metamorphosis stage cherish their own lives extremely, and the chance of encountering and killing their own formidable opponents is very slim!

Not long ago, Wen Bilan had just crossed her own shackles and reached the early stage of energy transformation, so she would be eligible to enter before the opening of the profound entrance secret realm in a month's time.

But now, Wen Bilan is dead!

"It shouldn't be. I said that the Valley of Death will be destroyed three days later. Could it be that the higher-ups did it earlier?" Ye Yanluo said to himself, with endless coldness in his brows, and then sighed.

"Send someone to Death Valley quickly, I want to know all the truth!" Ye Yanluo waved his hand, and a figure outside the window nodded in response and disappeared in a flash.


Three o'clock in the morning.

Lin Feng drove back to Tianhai.

During this period, he first returned to the valley of Yunmeng Mountain and brought back enough Longzhilan and ice crystals.

After dawn, he will set off for the imperial capital, and he will prepare all the raw materials for Juyuan Pill.

After arriving at the holy city of Jiayuan, Mo Bei appeared from the dark.

"Brother Feng! Is everything in order?"

Mo Bei looked Lin Feng up and down, wanting to see if he was injured. He had been protecting Luo Wanjun in the dark, but he was always worried about Lin Feng.

"Everything is fine, and I'm fine too." Lin Feng waved his hand, and the two fisted each other.

"But, I see something wrong with your face, is there an injury somewhere?" Mo Bei subconsciously wanted to lift Lin Feng's clothes.

"Injuries are inevitable, but they are all skin traumas. Fortunately, I have gained a lot this time." Lin Feng smiled mysteriously, and suddenly a three-inch bronze sword appeared in his hand.

"As far as I know, this bronze sword was given to you by Sun Chengjun, right?" Mo Bei asked doubtfully after hesitating for a while.

"Look." Lin Feng controlled the bronze sword, flying it wherever he wanted.

As fast as the wind, as fast as thunder, there is a faint whistling sound of wind and thunder.

"This..." Mo Bei was really dumbfounded.

"You read that right, this bronze sword is named Fenglei. Now I can do as I please." Lin Feng was quite happy when he mentioned this matter.

In this wind and thunder sword, he realized the swordsmanship of a move of wind and thunder, but currently his strength is limited and he cannot fully exert it.

"You're amazing, my brother!" Mo Bei was envious. This kind of flying sword that can only be seen on movies and TV is now waving in front of his eyes, which shocked him on the spot.

"Mo Bei, when you have a chance, I will give you a cultivation method. It is only a matter of time before you reach my current level. Don't worry, you will have what you should have." Lin Feng gave a good Brother Mo Bei made a promise.

"I believe." Mo Bei nodded heavily.

He was already tired of fighting in a foreign country all year round, and really wanted to develop well in China and study martial arts. Now that Lin Feng could help him, he also saw the light of the future.

"Let's do this first. Go back and rest early. I'm going to the imperial capital tomorrow. After you arrange everything at home, you can come to me at any time." Lin Feng said solemnly.

"Well, I will, wait for me!" Mo Bei suppressed the excitement in his heart, and gradually disappeared into the night.

Lin Feng walked into the room quietly, but saw Luo Wanjun sitting on the sofa, watching him tenderly.

"Brother Feng, I'm relieved to see you come back safe and sound." Luo Wanjun stood up and rushed into Lin Feng's arms, tiptoeing to kiss Lin Feng affectionately on the mouth.

a long time……

"Tomorrow, we have to get up early in Beishendu, go to bed." Lin Feng said tenderly, holding Luo Wanjun's face with both hands.

"Okay then, I know you're very tired, go to bed quickly." Luo Wanjun was like a lady like a jade, gently holding Lin Feng's hand, and walked towards the bedroom on the second floor.

Then, the two returned to their bedrooms.

Lin Feng lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Thinking of the scene in Death Valley, he yearned even more to keep getting stronger!
A single Wen Bilan is enough to contend with him, so wouldn't Ye Yanluo be stronger?

Will his road to revenge be temporarily put on hold?

Absolutely not!
Thinking of this, he turned over and sat up, quickly adjusted his mentality, and soon merged into the sword intent of the Fenglei bronze sword, and then infiltrated into the unique knowledge of Ghost Valley he had learned, combined, and entered the state of meditation.

The next day, the sun rises three poles.

Lin Feng was still cross-legged on the bed, not moving at all.

Luo Wanjun gently pushed the door several times, and after seeing Lin Feng's posture, she backed out again.

She knew that Lin Feng must have experienced something when he went to Death Valley last night, so she couldn't bear to disturb her, so she waited on the sofa the whole time.

He has handed over all the affairs of the company to Liu Fei.

That's right, it was Liu Fei, the security chief.

At present, Liu Fei is undoubtedly the best candidate.

At noon, Lin Feng finally woke up from his meditative state.

When he opened his eyes, two real lights burst out from his eyes.

"So it is!"

"This bronze Fenglei sword was originally forged by Ou Yezi, the originator of the master swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods!"

Ou Yezi's most famous masterpiece is the Longquan sword.

And this wind and thunder sword is the predecessor of the Longquan sword!

Although it ended in failure, the power of the Fenglei Sword still occupies a large ranking in the present.

During this night's meditation, Lin Feng's strength has improved. After reorganizing his strength levels, he truly understood that he is now at the mid-stage of energy transformation.

"I'm afraid Ye Yanluo's strength has reached the late stage of energy transformation, right?" Lin Feng pondered, his face was covered with frost.

so what?

No matter how strong the enemy is, he is still over half a hundred years old. Although he has a profound background, but he is now in his prime, and it is not unreasonable to be afraid of being young.

Furthermore, he also has a strong background!
A pill that shone with light suddenly appeared in his palm.

This Tianyuan Pill is the best pill to supplement his true energy. Given time, his strength will increase greatly.

This is what his master left him in the finger of the dragon head, there are a hundred of them!


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun arrived at the airport.

Other than Xiao Yao and Mo Bei, the father and daughter Feng Ze and Feng Lulu came to see him off.

"Lin Feng, Lulu will start school in half a month, so I might as well go to the imperial capital with you first, and I'll trouble you to take care of her during Jieshi." Fengze solemnly begged.

"I will regard Lulu as my dearest sister, you can rest assured." Lin Feng patted his chest and assured.

"That's what you said. You have to be on call when the time comes, or I'll show you off." Feng Lulu clenched her fist and gestured to Lin Feng's forehead.

"Brother Feng, take care all the way." Xiao Yao came up with a big bear hug.

Lin Feng stretched out his arms to hug Xiao Yao and Mo Bei. The three of them were childhood friends with very deep feelings.

Not long after, Lin Feng joined hands with Luo Wanjun and Feng Lulu, and the three finally boarded the flight to the imperial capital.

In the imperial capital, his goal is very clear, to solve the Jiang family, take care of grandpa, and obliterate Ye Yanluo!
(End of this chapter)

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