The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 105 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 32

Chapter 105 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 32
The handsome man Gu Qing naturally didn't know what she was thinking. After he subconsciously agreed, he was stunned for a while.

Looking up again, only to find that Yin Ran'er had long since disappeared.

A trace of disappointment flashed in his gentle eyes, but it was quickly covered up by joy...

His Royal Highness, allow him to stay.

In fact, His Highness is a hard-spoken and soft-hearted person...

The system sensed Lu Qing's thoughts, and immediately felt goosebumps all over his body - although this is impossible, it is just a pile of data.

To say that the host is hard-spoken and soft-hearted? !

The man pretended to be passionate, but he didn't expect to be so scary!If you let him know, the host intends to give him to others casually, so as to get rid of this oil bottle...

The system trembled inexplicably, as if imagining the scene where the young boy's heart was broken.

"Little thing, what are you doing?"

As soon as Yin Ran'er lay on the bed, she felt the data fluctuate, and she couldn't help paying attention to the system.

System: [...No...It's okay, just fixing the previous problem, I want to be able to transmit the plot to the host as soon as possible. 】

The stupid system made up a reason, feeling guilty for a while.

If the host knew that Gu Qing thought she was very good to him, and had become even more in love with her, would she have to rush out and kill him now?What is the future route?
"Is it really okay?" Yin Ran'er stared at the stupid system suspiciously in her heart.

System: [...Host, it's really all right. 】With eyes open, the ability to tell lies has been practiced.

Yin Ran'er didn't bother to pay attention to the system anymore, although she knew it must have hidden a lot of things.But she hasn't recovered her ability yet, and her memory is not sound, piecemeal.She still needs to rely on the stupid system to recuperate bit by bit...

She turned her head and fell into the embrace of the big bed, soft.

Ah, comfortable.


"Housekeeper, is His Highness the Crown Prince in the East Palace?"

The speaker had a cock-duck voice, and he was quite arrogant.

You don't even need to think about it, it's another celebrity beside the emperor - another great eunuch.These servants usually speak ill of others in front of the emperor with prejudice.

This kind of servant who is easy to accept bribes abounds in the palace.Isn't it just that whoever gives more money, they will do things for whom?
Dare to stand so arrogantly at the gate of the East Palace, it can be seen that Ping has spoken ill of the prince in front of the emperor.

Although the housekeeper was a little displeased, he didn't show it. He was still respectful, "His Royal Highness is indeed in the East Palace."

The eunuch glanced at him contemptuously, and was about to speak, but suddenly remembered something, so he could only restrain his expression, "The emperor summons His Royal Highness, the prince, to meet you in the plum garden."

"But His Royal Highness is tired after a long journey, and he is still resting at this time." The housekeeper was a little embarrassed.

"Could it be that His Royal Highness is more tired than the emperor, and the emperor needs to wait in person?" The eunuch snorted, very dissatisfied.

The butler frowned, hesitated, "This..."

Suddenly, the door of the dormitory opened wide, and a lazy female voice came from inside:

"How dare you let the emperor wait, she is so precious." Yin Ran'er came out of the room leisurely, and yawned gracefully.

"Let's go to the hall and meet the honorable emperor."

The eunuch's expression paused, and he immediately returned to his natural state. With a smile, he stepped forward and cupped his hands, and said flatteringly, "Your Highness, I will take you there."

(End of this chapter)

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