The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 106 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 33

Chapter 106 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 33
In the empty plum garden, crisp footsteps resounded, unhurriedly, step by step, as if beating on everyone's heart.

Sitting in the pavilion, the emperor saw her coming, his expression changed.She waved away the eunuchs and guards, leaving only her and Yin Ran'er behind.

Before the guard walked out of the plum garden, he exchanged glances with the emperor.Coincidentally, Yin Ran'er saw her, and she cast a provocative look.

The guard suddenly felt as if he was in an ice cellar, and his whole body was cold...

The prince knew about their plan?

Impossible, everyone outside is saying that the prince is an impulsive and lustful person.How can this kind of person give people such a terrifying feeling...

"Still going out? You idiot!" The emperor shouted angrily.

The guard suddenly came to his senses, he was bluffed for a moment!The prince must have noticed something was wrong.

The matter has come to this point, there is no other way, he has no choice but to retreat in desperation.

The emperor caressed the hollowed-out gold fingertip on his hand, and the pattern was drawn from the base to the fingertips, exuding royal majesty intentionally or unintentionally.

"My lord, how is the arrangement of the banquet going?" The emperor smiled kindly, as if he really just wanted to care.

Yin Ran'er put on a foolish look, with a bit of scorn, "I'm working on it, I promise I won't lose face and satisfy the envoy."

She changed the topic, and suddenly sneered, "Dear Emperor, you summoned your servants here just to ask this?"

The emperor pretended to sigh, but actually took a deep look at her...

Her daughter, I don't know when it changed.Lively and intelligent since she was a child, she gradually became playful and lustful, and she didn't care about state affairs at all.Now again...

"Your empress father, this plum garden was my favorite in the past." The emperor looked into the distance, and his eyes fell on the plum trees in the garden, as if he was recalling the past.

Although it is summer now, the plum blossoms will not be in full bloom.

"He always said that plum blossoms are noble and beautiful. As his imperial daughter, he always hoped that you would be like plum blossoms."

Yin Ran'er didn't change his face, and said lightly: "Unfortunately, he was disappointed."

"Back then he didn't mean to glance at you and leave you in the palace." The emperor seemed to be explaining something, but he suddenly stopped, and then fell into memories...

"He has been with me since he was a child, and I have been with him for a while. I promise to love him only in this life, and I will marry him directly as the emperor's husband."

She paused, and suddenly became a little angry when she spoke.

"But the ministers are stuffing more and more people here, and I can only take them into the harem, so I can't tear myself apart with my subjects! Your father started making troubles again and again, until finally he escaped from the palace! Why can't you be considerate? What about me?"

I haven't seen the original owner's queen father... Could it be that he really escaped from the palace back then?

Yin Ran'er was unmoved, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Emotions are all selfish, what the queen father did was completely forced by you."

Tsk, it's a bit cumbersome without a plot, I don't care how true the emperor's words are.

If he really liked the original owner's father, the emperor would try every means to keep all the men sent by the ministers back.Rather than income in the harem, and then excuse yourself.

No matter how bad it is, you shouldn't let your loved one leave you and escape from the palace, right?

"Unfilial daughter! She is really the same as your father and queen..." The emperor was contradicted, and Longyan was furious instantly, his eyes became cold, "It's just as cheap!"

With a big wave of her hand, the graceful and luxurious dragon robe was raised with the movement...

In an instant, Meiyuan was in crisis!From behind the plum blossom trees, all the Imperial Forest Army rushed out, armed with knives and bows, and quickly surrounded the entire plum garden!

The emperor was tightly guarded by a small group of imperial guards, and countless arrows were pointed at Yin Ran'er...

"No wonder I, if you want to blame, blame your queen father..."

"Give me arrows!"

(End of this chapter)

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