The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 116 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 43

Chapter 116 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 43
Bai Yuqing pursed her lips tightly and remained silent.

I can't beat it at all...what to do.

He wrapped himself in the quilt, hid it tightly, and kept moving in until his back touched the wall.As if afraid of what she would do to him.

It was dark at night, he couldn't see Yin Ran'er clearly, he only vaguely knew that she was lying on the outside of the bed.

Yin Ran'er is not affected by the night at all, and has strong night vision ability, watching his series of actions the whole time...

Suddenly I don't know what to say.

Well, what a little fool who is devoted to Buddha.

But... he didn't run out of the meditation room like the first time, and then leaned against the door to sleep all night, which is considered an improvement, and he can't be too tight.

She turned her back to him and closed her eyes.

Bai Yuqing watched the girl's blurred back in the night with his peripheral vision, and he didn't turn around for a long time, as if he had fallen asleep.

He was tense all night, staring at her back until it was almost dawn, and then fell asleep unknowingly.

Yin Ran'er's eyelashes fluttered a few times, she slowly opened her eyes, and then closed them calmly, regaining her composure.

Sorry, she's never been able to give her back to others.Not even him.


next day
It was already bright outside the window, and a few rays of sunlight shone into the meditation room through the carved window.

The man on the bed was wearing a white undershirt, and the quilt was thrown aside.

The girl opened her eyelids, her eyes were clear, and she didn't feel sleepy as if she had just woken up.She moved sideways and took the quilt to cover him.

Although she didn't cover the quilt all night, her bare hands were cold...

At this time, Bai Yuqing just woke up leisurely. The scene in front of him was still a little hazy, but after catching a glimpse of Yin Ran'er, he woke up instantly!
He stepped back suddenly, and with a "boom", he hit the wall unexpectedly!It hurts to hear.

Before he could fully feel the pain, a pair of hands took him over and rubbed his back...

"Hey, why are you so stupid."

A doting tone came from the top of his head, and he was forced to lie on top of the person without any image, with his chin resting on her shoulder.

Just as she was about to struggle, she had already let him go.

"Are you hungry?" Yin Ran'er suddenly asked.

"No..." He replied subconsciously, and suddenly he was shocked, "What time is it?"

Yin Ran'er yawned gracefully, looking lazily like a cat, "I don't know, the sun must be high."

As soon as the voice fell, a white figure flashed in front of her eyes.

Bai Yuqing hurriedly put on the monk's clothes and shoes, picked up the scriptures on the table, and walked out of the meditation room quickly.

He walked without looking back, until he stood in front of the Buddhist hall and touched the monk's robe, only to realize that he had forgotten to take the Buddhist beads.

Feeling the touch of the monk's robe, remembering that he was in the same room with the female benefactor last night, he suddenly felt like a fire was burning on his body, and the monk's robe seemed to be on fire!
At this time, the disciple who was cleaning the Buddhist hall came out and ran into him, "Hey, senior brother, why did you come here? The morning recitation is over."

Bai Yuqing returned to his usual indifferent appearance, but he was actually thinking about how to explain it.

Fortunately, the disciple just asked casually, and before Bai Yuqing could answer, he said to himself again,
"Speaking of which, I didn't see Si Jing when I recited it early this morning..."

Clean?I don't know where that little novice went to be naughty again...

Bai Yuqing frowned indistinctly, and asked, "Did you see him last night?"

"No, Si Jing didn't go to dinner last night, and everyone didn't see him."

(End of this chapter)

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