The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 117 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 44

Chapter 117 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 44
Si Jing disappeared last night?

The atmosphere around him instantly cooled down, Bai Yuqing looked into the distance, thoughtfully...

"Call a few more senior brothers and go find them."

The disciple felt a bit of coldness for no reason, and without thinking about it, he turned around and went to call for someone.

Bai Yuqing followed without the slightest hesitation.

A mighty group of Buddhist disciples just went down the mountain to find someone.When the old abbot found out, he rarely became angry.

A group of monks went down the mountain privately, what kind of decent is this?Do you want the reputation of Ciguang Temple?
However, everyone has already left the temple, and there is no way to call them back immediately.

Bai Yuqing and his party searched all the places that they used to go to for alms at the foot of the mountain, but they didn't see the little novice monk. They found nothing, and finally returned to the temple.

"Where did Si Jing go?"

"His brother Sikong, didn't he go down the mountain to practice a few days ago? Maybe, Sijing went to look for Sikong."

"Hey, you guys are looking for Si Jing everywhere, and I don't know if you can find it..."

The monks put forward their own guesses one after another.

Bai Yuqing always had a bad premonition in his heart, but his face was still calm, and he comforted his juniors:
"It's getting late, everyone go to rest first, and look for Si Jing tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, the disciples found it reasonable after thinking about it, and each went to do the unfinished business during the day, and then prepared to go back to the meditation room to rest.

Just like that, Bai Yuqing dispersed a group of juniors and walked to the Zen room alone.

While walking on the road, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind...

I searched all over the area at the foot of the mountain and found nothing. Maybe Si Jing was in the Ciguang Temple and didn't go out at all?
Thinking of this possibility, Bai Yuqing stopped going to the meditation room, turned around, and started wandering around the Ciguang Temple looking for people. He walked the entire temple three or four times...

Strangely enough, I still haven't seen anyone.

His complexion didn't look very good, so he finally gave up searching in the temple and walked towards the meditation room again.


When I walked to the last corner, I seemed to step on something crisp.

Bai Yuqing bent down to pick it up, put it in his palm and looked at it for a while, but suddenly fell silent.

——This is a string of Buddhist beads, which were scattered on the ground just now, and one was accidentally crushed by him.Look closely, this string of beads is really small, so small that only Si Jing can wear it!
So, he really didn't leave Ciguang Temple?It actually disappeared out of thin air in Ciguang Temple?impossible.So, who took him?

Bai Yuqing fiddled with a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, staring fixedly at the broken Buddhist beads.Finally put it away, walked quickly to his own meditation room, and pushed open the door.

In the middle of the bed, there was a slender figure.

She hasn't left yet, she's still here.So…

"Benefactor, may I ask... did you take Si Jing away?" Bai Yuqing asked hesitantly.

Because there are not many people who are doing nothing in the temple, and their conduct is passable, it is unlikely that the people in the temple will take Si Jing away...

With such an exclusion, it seemed that only she was left.

But Yin Ran'er was confused and asked, "Who is Si Jing?"

Bai Yuqing frowned, and patiently explained: "Si Jing is the youngest disciple in Ciguang Temple, a junior junior."

She lacked interest, let out a lazy "oh", and then retracted into the quilt.Bai Yuqing still stood where he was, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yin Ran'er saw him standing stubbornly without moving for a long time, so she had no choice but to meddle in his own business...

"The junior brother you mentioned may have been killed."

She has always been particularly sensitive to the smell of blood.

That string of Buddhist beads clearly smelled like blood!

(End of this chapter)

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