The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 120 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 47

Chapter 120 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 47
After listening, the smile in Feng Yuge's eyes became even bigger...

Her royal sister is really interesting.

"What if the king is interested in the throne? Royal sister, will you give it to me?"

"Yin Ran'er spit out two words slowly, "No. "

As soon as the words fell, the eunuch who used to serve the former empress came with the imperial edict.

Oh, to put it another way, it's called a will.

"Following heaven's fortune, the emperor's edict said: I know that my health is getting worse and worse, and my life will not be long. It should be for the common people of the world and the people of the family and country. Since then, it has been passed on to the crown prince, and I hope that he can lead Fengguo to prosperity in the future. This—— "

The court hall fell into a dead silence, and after a while, there was a sudden and earth-shattering oath:

"I am willing to follow the new emperor from now on. Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Even Feng Yuge gave Yin Ran'er a meaningful look, then went down and knelt down.

For a long time, the impassioned voices of the ministers gradually died down, but the people above did not hear their voices.

Half an hour passed, and my kneeling legs felt a little numb...

"Tired?" the girl on the dragon chair suddenly asked.

The female courtiers nodded hesitantly. After all, they were noble courtiers. Since they ascended to high positions, they only offered advice to the former emperor, and they didn't suffer much.

"Tired after so long? Then continue to kneel." Yin Ran'er's voice was cold and pleasant, but the words she spoke were like demons.

The expressions of the people below changed. They were naturally dissatisfied, but they dared not disobey.

"As my most loyal subjects, you should exercise your body. In case you are weak and sick, it will be bad if you miss political affairs."

Yin Ran'er smiled, stood up from the dragon chair, raised her hand and patted the black python robe, and then walked out of the court...

At the end, he left a faint sentence: "The former emperor entrusted me with a dream to send a few more weak people to guard her tomb for a hundred years. She likes that."

The officials originally thought that they would not have to kneel when she left.The knee that had just been raised, when he heard this, he was so frightened that he "plopped" and knelt down!
devil!This new emperor is a devil!

Several days passed in the blink of an eye, and the noisy capital gradually calmed down, because there was news from the palace...

The prince is going to be the new emperor!

Logically speaking, the image of the former crown prince's nostalgia for beauty has long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people.The people should be even more dissatisfied when they heard the news, but they calmed down instead.

This is what I have to say about the past few days...

The bandits in the mountains outside the city were delighted when they heard that the imperial palace was about to support an idiot prince as the new emperor!

A group of people immediately picked up their business and went down the mountain into the city.Looting shops openly, and robbing women blatantly!

Anyway, the prince has always neglected political affairs, and he doesn't care about them.

They thought so, so they ransacked the capital for a day and a night as they wished!As a result, when I went back to the cottage the next day, the whole mountain was gone...

Gone!Razed to the ground!
Dozens of men in black appeared out of nowhere, and directly beat down more than 100 bandits in twos and twos!Then he drove them back to the capital with a whip like ducks!
For those who have robbed, they have to go door to door to apologize, and then sign a bond of slavery!
Contract for 50 years!
What's the difference between this and a lifetime?When I come out, I will be in my seventies and eighties.

Later, someone asked this group of men in black, who are they?

The men in black stood in a row in a very ghostly manner, took out the sign belonging to the Prince's East Palace, and collectively had a serious face:
"Our aim is to be healthy!"

Since then, the capital has been peaceful, and no one has raised any dissatisfaction with the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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