The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 121 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 48

Chapter 121 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 48
Yin Ran'er has been idle in the palace these days. She doesn't want to move to the palace where the former emperor lived, so she still lives in the East Palace.

That day, the eunuch asked her cautiously: "Your Majesty, do you want to move to Fengyang Palace?"

As a result he was kicked out.

The stupid system will never forget the host's disgusted eyes in this life...

The palace where the old woman lived still wants her to live again?How stinky... The old emperor went to sing and sing every night, so I don't know how many male pets have lived there, don't they think it's dirty...

The screen in the system space was instantly refreshed by the host's psychological activities!

The stupid system wiped off the non-existent cold sweat.The host was very cold before, and he didn't even say a few words to it, but today the screen suddenly swiped!It turns out that the host's cleanliness is so serious...

Quietly took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

System: [Host, why don't you go take a look at the little brother? 】

I saw the screen suddenly cleared, blank!
Yin Ran'er uttered two words coldly: "No."

She rolled over on the soft bed, changed into an elegant posture, closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep.

System: […] What's wrong with the host, jealous?No way, how could it take so long to calm down...

Could it be that she intends not to have a little brother?
Thinking of the host's cold-blooded and ruthless appearance without a little brother.The stupid system was startled, the data fluctuated uncontrollably!
"Tsk, it's really noisy."

Yin Ran'er slowly opened her eyes, without any fluctuations in her eyes.She frowned lightly and rubbed the center of her brows.

Stupid system: [Host, little brother is still very good... he is good-looking and easy to knock down, why don't you go and abduct him? 】

The system is trying to lure the host with benefits, and it doesn't care about its health.

What if the host gets angry and quits?At that time, even the three souls and seven souls of the little brother will not be found, and the task will be even more impossible to complete!
Yin Ran'er silently listened to the system's data activities, a flash of interest suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she quickly covered it up...

What exactly is this system?Who will be the manipulator behind it?
Hmm, interesting.

She blocked the system, and this time she really fell into the soft bed, closing her eyes and sleeping lightly.

A night without dreams.


"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

It seemed that he hadn't slept for long, when he heard the eunuch's inquiry outside the door.When I opened my eyes again, it was indeed still dark.

Yin Ran'er didn't get up, she lay lazily, her voice raised an octave: "What's the matter?"

The eunuch stood guard outside the door, and continued after hearing the response: "Your Majesty, tomorrow is the new emperor's enthronement ceremony, and you need to prepare earlier."

"I know."

Because she was not used to being close to others, Yin Ran'er never let her maidservants change clothes in the bedroom.So in the huge bedroom, she was the only one.

She sat up from the bed and put on the dragon robe that was newly made yesterday.

The dragon robe is still golden yellow, but it is less bloated after the modification, but more majestic, and looks more and more shining, arrogant and dazzling.

"come in."

Yin Ran'er knew that the etiquette in the palace was cumbersome and particular about steps, so she simply asked the servants to come in and tie her hair.

The door opened with a "squeak", and she felt someone approaching her side. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and realized that it was a handsome male servant who came in.

"Go out." She looked at each other coldly, "Come in with another girl."

The eunuch was waiting outside the door. Hearing the new emperor's tone was a bit scary, he trembled and hurriedly chose a maid to come in.

It turns out that the new emperor is not good at masculinity...

(End of this chapter)

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