The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 123 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 50

Chapter 123 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 50
The alluring man snorted and looked at Bai Yuqing with disgust.He reached out to grab the white monk's robe, trying to drag him up.

A stone flew through the air suddenly and pierced his wrist directly!

"Ah!" The coquettish man's face was distorted in pain, he clutched his wrist, but he couldn't stop the blood gushing out no matter what!

"I see who dares to sacrifice him?"

The girl's cold voice resounded in the darkness, hitting the hearts of the three of them heavily!All of them turned pale!
Yin Ran'er slowly walked out from behind the Buddha statue, and stood beside Bai Yuqing...

is her?

Bai Yuqing opened his eyes slightly, looking at her side face, lost in thought.

Yin Ran'er raised her eyes and glanced at them, like a ghost crawling up from hell, it was frightening!

When his eyes caught the old abbot, he was so dark that he almost tore him to pieces!

"Don't explain?" She said quietly, her tone was so cold that it would freeze to death.

"Too...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The old abbot shouted tremblingly, but he woke up the two people beside him!They trembled in fright, and after a while, they couldn't help feeling malicious...

The prince has always been pampered, it seems like he didn't bring any guards with him, so why not deal with her right away?Otherwise, when the prince returns to the palace, how can they survive?

"The temple fair is approaching, and sacrifices are held every year at the temple fair. We think that living sacrifices are more sincere, so..."

The old abbot was still explaining, but the two people beside him pushed him away, flashed their daggers in their hands, and rushed towards Yin Ran'er!
She covered Bai Yuqing's eyes without changing her expression, and said dotingly: "Hey, don't look."

Bai Yuqing's eyes were covered, and he really couldn't see anything.Then, the sound of the dagger sinking into the body was heard!
She... is she okay?
He was thinking wildly, ignoring the severe pain caused by the injury on his body, he only felt her hand tremble a bit!
"Are you going to kick him with this foot just now?"

"Crack!", accompanied by the man's painful cry!

"Then take it off."

Soon, Bai Yuqing smelled a strong smell of blood.He tilted his head and rubbed her hand, motioning for her to let go.

"Be good, it doesn't look good, I'll talk about it later when I take you out." The girl calmed her temper softly.

He insisted on her letting go.

Only then did Yin Ran'er notice that he was not untied.She untied the rope two or three times, removed the cloth strip that blocked his mouth, paused, and finally let go...

The moment Bai Yuqing opened his eyes, he saw blood all over the ground!
The five-year-old woman was lying upright in a pool of blood, with a dagger stuck in her belly!And that alluring man lost a foot, and there was a scarlet knife mark on his neck!The stump was thrown aside.

Miraculously, they were still gasping for their last breath.

As everyone knows, Yin Ran'er did this on purpose.

Looking at everything in front of him, Bai Yuqing didn't feel any turmoil in his heart, instead he felt a little...happy?
He thought that he might not have the compassionate heart of a Buddhist disciple.

"The Buddha will not forgive your souls." He said these words calmly, as if he had fulfilled the mission of a Buddhist disciple.

"Hahaha..." The coquettish man laughed at him presumptuously, holding his last breath, his eyes were full of viciousness:
"There is no Buddha in this world! If there is a Buddha, why didn't the Buddha come to help you? It was almost... just a little bit closer to killing you!"

Bai Yuqing's head "boomed" as if it exploded!He froze in place, his mind blank.

In this there no Buddha?

(End of this chapter)

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