The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 124 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 51

Chapter 124 The Queen's Stunning Concubine 51
If there is no Buddha... Then what is his belief over the years?
Bai Yuqing's face turned pale, his lips were bitten and blood oozes out.

"Who says there is no Buddha? I am his Buddha!"

Yin Ran'er was a little displeased when she saw this, so she walked straight over after speaking, pulled out the dagger from the woman's belly, and slashed the alluring man with her backhand!


The man twitched in pain a few times, lying on the ground without moving.His eyes were wide open, full of horror, and he could not rest in peace.

Only the old abbot was left kneeling aside, shaking violently, but Yin Ran'er ignored him.

She threw away the dagger casually, looked at the blood stains on her hand, and couldn't find a handkerchief to wipe it off for a while, feeling a little annoyed.

Suddenly, a white handkerchief was handed over, "Wipe it off."

Yin Ran'er raised her head and met Bai Yuqing's indifferent eyes.

At this time, his eyes seemed to have a little more light, as clear and dazzling as obsidian!In a dark room, it is even more eye-catching.

Yin Ran'er looked at him carefully, but instead of taking the white veil, she asked, "You...don't mind?"

The little brother in this world is definitely of the white lotus attribute. He doesn't mind that she just killed someone?

Bai Yuqing gave a soft "hmm", didn't care whether she answered or not, and wiped her hands on her own.

System: [Host, have you seen it? !The little brother took the initiative to treat you well, did you see it? ! 】

The stupid system almost jumped three feet high, and was so excited that it almost bit the handkerchief!As a result, the big screen in the system space went black in the next second!It is blocked.

Stupid system: […]

I see, you are noisy.

Yin Ran'er frowned slightly, sent a few words with mental strength, and then cut off contact.

Bai Yuqing wiped her hands carefully, and he regained his fairness after a while.

She leaned over and kissed the corner of his lips.

This unexpected kiss left his lips like a superficial touch.

Bai Yuqing was stunned for a moment, his face had turned pale just now, but now he returned to normal.On closer inspection, his ears turned red slightly.

"This is your reward." Yin Ran'er fondled his ears.

Well, it's still as cute as ever.

Noticing the movement on the other side, she turned her head and cast her eyes on the man kneeling on the ground.

"What are you going to do with him?" Although Yin Ran'er was looking at the old abbot, she was speaking to Bai Yuqing.

He pursed his lips and stared straight at the old abbot...

Kill him, you should kill him... He almost wanted to join forces with others to kill you just now!

Why don't you speak?As long as you tell, she will definitely help you...

There seemed to be a voice in his heart shouting wantonly, Bai Yuqing shook his head, "He..."

After a long time, Bai Yuqing spoke again: "Report this matter to the yamen, and the government will give him the punishment he deserves."

It is definitely the death penalty, but it is just another way of death.

Yin Ran'er glanced at the old abbot quietly, then took Bai Yuqing's hand, and stroked him a few times to comfort him.

"it is good."

Yin Ran'er was already very relieved that the merciful little brother didn't say that he forgave him or let him go.

She led him, opened the broken wooden door, walked out of the dark room, and gestured to the dark place.

Suddenly, two guards in black appeared.

"Go and send the people inside to the Yamen."

With orders, the black-clothed guards sneaked into the room and kidnapped people...

Yin Ran'er didn't care any more, and turned to look at the people around her, it was really rare to be well-behaved today.

She rubbed his face again, "Let's go, poor boy, come home with me."

(End of this chapter)

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