The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 167 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 34

Chapter 167 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 34
Suddenly there were a few chuckles in the air, and he taunted mercilessly: "If the power of my spirit world really can't grow, the rest of your five worlds should be happy."

The six worlds are the spirit world, the fairy world, the human world, the demon world, the demon world, and the ghost world.

The spirit world headed by Yin Ran'er has the smallest number of people, but the strongest energy.For thousands of years, the spirit world has always occupied the top seat of the six worlds, suppressing the other five worlds.

Mozun and Guizun heard the sarcasm in it, and their faces were very ugly, but they couldn't beat her!
Yin Ran'er casually glanced at the young man who won the first place, then looked away without stopping, "Leave such elite talents to you."

Hearing what she said, the other Lords of the Five Realms were probably not accepting apprentices again, and they were faintly relieved.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all saw the same look on each other's faces.

"Lingzun..." Qingmei cried out involuntarily, feeling anxious for a while.

When she saw Lingzun for the first time back then, all the disciples told her that Lingzun had a strange temper, and his capriciousness was very frightening.However, she always felt that under the powerful energy of the Lingzun, a very lonely soul was shrouded.

So Qingmei wanted to worship her as a teacher, but she still refused to accept her apprentice...

Yin Ran'er heard Qingmei's voice, turned her head and looked at her indifferently, "What's the matter?"

"You..." Qingmei bit her lips, "Please accept an apprentice this time."

Since Lingzun looked down on her back then, it would be good to let others accompany Lingzun...

The air seemed to be stagnant. After a long time, Yin Ran'er slowly uttered two words: "Okay."

Just one word, but like a small stone falling into the water, breaking the calm lake!Everyone was startled, and they secretly took precautions in their hearts.

Lingzun actually agreed to accept disciples, so wouldn't the spirit world be stronger in the future?
Qingmei was also taken aback, she didn't expect Lingzun to agree so easily, and then a bitterness gradually spread in her heart.Sure enough, she was not good enough back then...

Before she came back to her senses, Yin Ran'er glanced over the first three, paused for a moment, and stopped.

"Are you willing to be the disciple of the deity?"

What she looked at was the man who only won third place.

The expressions on the faces of all the lords became weird. This spirit lord won't be the first, but the third?

The man still looked like a teenager, and he didn't look very old.She was dressed in white clothes, and her handsome face was cold and haggard. She was like the bright moon in the sky, and one couldn't help feeling a little bit of affection.

The boy hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

His pair of phoenix eyes are clear and bright, the pupil color is black without any impurities, extremely beautiful.

Yin Ran'er reached out and took out a black feather-shaped jade pendant, and put it in his palm. It looked small and exquisite, so delicate.

"Give this to you, and you will be free to enter and exit the spirit world from now on."

"Thank you, Master." The young man took the jade pendant, and suddenly felt a heat between his brows, and he reached out to touch it.

Between the white to somewhat pale brows, the imprint of black feathers emerged, and gradually disappeared.

Yin Ran'er looked at the young man's movements and said, "Yupei will recognize the owner."

So it's up to him...

The boy nodded and was silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Let's go, follow the deity back to the spirit world."

After she finished speaking, with a flick of a finger, a white light flashed, and the two of them disappeared in the Six Realms Conference.


Outside the enchantment of the spirit world, there are high mountains and flowing water, and the scenery is beautiful.The waterfall flew down and hit the stones on the bank, making a crisp sound.

In front of the waterfall, there is a rocky cliff that is not too high.

The black-robed woman stood with her hands behind her back, her red lips slightly parted, and her voice seemed to come from a distant place, "Tell me, why are you hiding your clumsiness at the Six Realms Conference?"

She saw that when the three of them competed close to each other, he had a chance to win the first place.But he has been defensive and rarely takes the initiative to attack.

The boy in white paused slightly...

Discovered by her?But it's no wonder, she is a Spirit Venerable after all.

"Disciple..." The young man hesitated for a moment, and decided to tell the truth, "Disciple thinks that the energy of the melee competition is not easy to control, and if you are not sure of it, it will easily hurt your life."

Those who attend the Six Realms Conference, who doesn't want to compete?Many people fought for the only places.

It was the first time she had heard of giving up fighting in order not to hurt other people's lives.

Yin Ran'er turned around and stared at the young man's eyes, which were extremely clear.He wasn't lying.

Well, it's interesting.

The enchantment of the spirit world had been opened at some point, and the black-robed woman entered first. She glanced back at the white-clothed boy, and said in an uneven tone:

"Come on, you will follow the deity from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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