The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 168 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 35

Chapter 168 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 35

Host, wake up!

A series of mechanical and electronic sounds sounded in my mind, disturbing people.

Yin Ran'er frowned lightly and opened her eyes.There was a moment of gloomy eyes, but it was fleeting, as if it was no different from usual.

"Little thing, are you malfunctioning again?" She called out the system.

The stupid system finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing that its host had woken up, [Host, you are awake, you have been asleep for five days. 】

If this continues, even if the soul is fine, the body will starve to death.

five days?

Yin Ran'er squinted her eyes slightly. It seemed that she had consumed a lot of energy in this world this time, which was beyond the normal range that this body could bear.

However, that dream...

She thought about it for a while, and the dark tide surged in her eyes.No, it wasn't a dream, maybe it was her distant past.

"Knock, knock..." The crisp knock on the door interrupted Yin Ran'er's train of thought.

"Who..." She opened her mouth, only to realize that her voice had become hoarse from not drinking for a long time.

"Princess, are you alright?"

It turned out that it was only a servant who knocked on the door just now.

Yin Ran'er couldn't speak for a while, so she got up and went to open the door.The servant outside the door happened to be carrying breakfast and water, and it seemed that the king had ordered her to bring her breakfast.

She reached out to take a few sips from the water glass, the cool feeling slipped down her throat, and she was finally able to speak.

"It's okay, thank you."

With a flattered expression, the servant hurriedly said, "No, no, it is my honor to serve the princess."

Yin Ran'er nodded lightly, did not respond too much, and found a reason to dismiss the servant.

He went back to the room alone, walked to the window, and saw the blue sea at a glance.

The sun shines on the sea, sparkling.The sea water slapped the reef again and again, stirring up waves.Seagulls fly low and feed on the surface of the sea.

Everything is perfectly normal.


Yin Ran'er's eyes darkened a little, and she quickly went out through the window, leaving the gorgeous palace and castle.

Coming to the beach again, she faced the endless sea and took out a black dream catcher.

"Sense where he is and let him come to see me."

The black dreamcatcher vibrated as if it had received an order, and black light waves shot into the sea surface, leading to the depths of the sea.

After a while, the black dreamcatcher quieted down.

found it.

With a "crash", it seemed that something protruded from the sea, which was unusually abrupt.

The blue fish's tail was drooping, and the scales seemed not as smooth and bright as before, and the color was a bit dark.

"What did you do to me?" Bossier's face darkened, and he spoke with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Just now a wave of energy lured him, causing his body to swim uncontrollably towards the surface of the sea, approaching this side.

Yin Ran'er smiled, walked straight into the shallow sea area, let the sea water reach her knees, and stopped in front of him.

"It's nothing, I helped you before, I have to charge some interest, don't I?"


Before Bohill could react, his lips suddenly became hot.The soft lips wrapped around him, licked him lightly, and then left.

There is only a bit of warm breath left between the lips, which is very intoxicating.

When he looked up at Yin Ran'er, he found that her eyes were peaceful.

Calm... even a little scary.

"You're hurt." Yin Ran'er's tone was a bit cold.

When she kissed him just now, she found that the energy fluctuations in his body were chaotic.The impact of the three energies is very bad for his body.

However, how can there be three kinds of energy?There are only two kinds of hers added before, and they should complement each other...

She looked at him, "Why are you hurt?"

Bohill felt that the aura around her was suddenly cold, as if she was angry...

But before, she was the one who forcibly stopped his vortex in order to save the human prince, which caused him to suffer backlash.

Ask him now?What is it.

"The vortex on the sea was made by me," he said.

Yin Ran'er paused, then she understood.

She quietly called out the stupid system in her heart: "Do you want to explain?"

System: [Host, I didn't know that before...]

Under Yin Ran'er's gloomy gaze, the stupid system gradually shut its mouth.Well, it gives up struggling.

A pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist, Bosir's body froze and he forgot to move.The blue fishtail was caressed by the girl, and it felt extraordinarily comfortable.

"Sorry, it was my fault."

If Bosir read it right, her usually calm eyes were now stained with guilt.

He was silent and did not speak for a long time.

"Does backlash still hurt now?" Yin Ran'er put her palm on his chest, feeling it seriously.

Bossier looked at her serious expression, the tip of the blue fish tail was slightly raised...

She is caring about him.

"It's okay." In fact, it still hurts a little, but he didn't say it.

Yin Ran'er's eyes darkened, "I won't hurt you again in the future."

Bossir moved his fish tail, as if he felt that his upper body was a little dry, and wanted to return to the sea.

Well, definitely not shy.

In the next second, Yin Ran'er pulled her back, her tone was soft and attractive: "Don't go back to the sea yet. Become a human being and marry me."

Marry...marry? !
Shouldn't it be marriage?

Bossier came to his senses, no, he never said he liked her.

Yin Ran'er seemed to see through his inner thoughts, hooked the corners of her lips, and said firmly: "You like me."

"No..." Impossible, how could he like a human being!
Bossier almost blurted out, but the words were blocked when he reached his mouth.

She kissed him, blocked all his unfinished words, and bit his lips hard.The previous gentle treatment disappeared in an instant.

After a long time, Bossir subconsciously tried to respond to her, and she let him go.

After being kissed for so long, Bossir finally saw the balance in his heart clearly.

Between racial responsibility and love, he actually chose the latter.

He really fell in love with a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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