The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 169 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 36

Chapter 169 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 36
"Wang, do you really want to leave the underwater city behind and become a human being with that human princess?!"

The person who spoke was a mermaid with the appearance of a boy, with fair and delicate skin, perhaps because he was too emotional, his fair cheeks turned red.

It seems that this is a boy who really admires the Mermaid King, but he is still too young.

Bossier nodded without hesitation.

Now that you have made a choice, you should face your own heart.Although, it is still unknown whether she will treat him as well as she is now in the future...

He subconsciously took a peek at the girl not far away, but unexpectedly met her gaze!
Yin Ran'er stood there quietly, subdued her usual arrogance and hostility, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.The whole body is covered with a thin layer of bubbles, which looks dreamy and beautiful.

For some reason, Bossier's heart suddenly settled down.It seems that she is his reassurance, no matter what time, she will always wait for him.

"King, I won't let you go! Human minds are unpredictable, I don't want you to go..."

As he spoke, the young mermaid stood in front of him, pursing his lips, as if he was about to cry.

The blue fish tail rolled over the staff placed aside, and Bossier stretched out his hand to catch it, and said a few spells that Yin Ran'er couldn't understand, which sounded very old.

He turned his head to look at the young man in front of him, paused, but felt a little helpless...

"From now on, you will be the king of the mermaid clan."

The boy was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he pointed at himself, "Me?"

"Yes." Bossier nodded.

The young man panicked immediately, and he didn't bother to open his arms to stop him, "I can't do it! King, you must have made a mistake...Even if you abdicate, you should choose an orthodox mermaid to succeed..."

"you can."

Bohill's tone suddenly became serious, his thin lips moved up and down, and he chanted a few spells.

The staff suddenly started to vibrate, and the crystal inlaid on the handle suddenly lit up, emitting a dazzling light!The originally blue seabed suddenly brightened up at this moment!
Even though Yin Ran'er didn't understand the spells of the mermaid clan, she could still feel the huge energy contained in the staff.

In other words, it is the magic wand that is throwing out the temptation of power to everyone, tempting people to compete with each other...

For a while, the sea water suddenly produced strange fluctuations, which were irregular.Probably all the creatures in the sea have received the "invitation" from the staff, and they are swimming here now.

Yin Ran'er smiled, unmoved.

Even Bosir was affected to some extent, but he made a quick decision and threw the staff to the young mermaid neatly.

The moment the young mermaid touched the staff, the spell took effect immediately, and a golden five-pointed star array appeared below him, automatically entering into a contract with him.

"Hey..." The young mermaid didn't seem to be ready yet, the powerful mana suddenly added to his body, which made his body unavoidable.

His face was a little too pale, and his vision was a little blurred.

But fortunately, she is a mermaid after all, with normal body self-healing ability.After a while, it recovered.

The fishtail on the lower body was also blessed with mana, and became much more golden.

However on the other side...

Bossier felt a little dizzy, and flicked the fish's tail, but the blue fish's tail was limp and unable to exert force...

Oh, how did he forget, he no longer has such powerful mana.

Posier thought.

(End of this chapter)

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