The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 173 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 40

Chapter 173 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 40
The old king blushed with anger, but he couldn't get angry with his own daughter, so he immediately pointed the finger at Bosier.

"Which noble family are you from?"

His daughter, the dignified princess, must find a son-in-law with a prominent family background, otherwise how will the court be stabilized in the future?
Originally, he planned to let her marry the prince, but Prince Nalan was fierce and belligerent. Thinking about it now, his daughter might be wronged if she married her.

System: […] Unfortunately, your favorite prince has already left.

The prince buried somewhere in the ground: "..." I really want to piss people off.

"No clan, no name."

Bossir's voice resounded in the castle, echoing unceasingly, extremely clear.

It was the first time for the king to hear such a clear and melodious voice, and it was so penetrating, he was taken aback for a moment.But he responded quickly, and then he thought about what Bosier had said just now!
No clan and no name!

The corners of Yin Ran'er's mouth could not be restrained from rising. Simply put, the little mermaid brother is a gangster in the human world!
"Why are you laughing, don't laugh..." Bossir frowned, his face turned dark.

Dare to despise him?

"No, I didn't laugh." Yin Ran'er instantly put away the smile on her face, and spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

The old king was sitting on the throne, and when he saw the intimate interaction between the two, he was even more alarmed!
No, it’s not easy to tear it down after it’s all like this!
"He has no family and no name and is not worthy of you, and he will not be able to support you to manage the kingdom in the future. Father will not allow you to marry him!" The king sternly scolded.

"You really don't want to marry?" Bossier didn't care what the king said, but just stared at her intently.

Yin Ran'er said "Yes" indifferently, "Okay, don't marry. I planned to marry you."

Bossier's face flushed red, his expression was a little weird and unnatural.

"My dear daughter, you have been fascinated for a while..." The old king was still trying to persuade him, how could he easily be willing to hand over his daughter to someone who he didn't trust?

"I hope that my father will not get involved in this matter." Yin Ran'er began to turn over old accounts, and said in a low tone, "I am not interested in governing the kingdom."

"If my father really wants me to inherit, that's okay, I don't need support. My father shouldn't forget about the Nalan Empire's withdrawal so soon, right?"

The air seemed to be quiet. The old king choked and couldn't find anything to say for a long time.

Indeed, the entire small kingdom could not afford to offend the Nalan Empire, but she made the Nalan Empire withdraw its troops in one day.

Ability and achievement, all the people are there for all to see.

For a long time, only the king's slightly old voice sounded in the castle: "Forget it, the father is old..."

The attendant beside him supported him, turned around and walked further and further away step by step, leaving here.

Bossir tilted his head, puzzled, "Your father..."

"He agreed." Yin Ran'er replied casually, reaching out and rubbing Bo Hill's head.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the king agrees or disagrees. Originally, she just planned to inform her that it was for the sake of borrowing the original owner's body.

But from this point of view, the original owner's cheap father is quite reasonable.

Bohill was obviously relieved, and the expression on his face relaxed.

"Why, the king of the mermaid clan is also nervous sometimes?" She teased him with a teasing smile.

He tilted his head and pushed Yin Ran'er away, "No."

(End of this chapter)

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