The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 174 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 41

Chapter 174 Mermaid Knight, Unswerving 41
Bossier didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"What's wrong?" Yin Ran'er raised her eyebrows and looked at him sideways.

He lowered his eyes and asked sullenly, "How long do you think you can like me..."

"Hmm..." She didn't answer right away, but thought for a while, "Just keep liking it."

Unless, lose interest in him.

However, that day shouldn't happen.After all, he is related to her past, and there are too many secrets in him waiting for her to discover slowly.

Yin Ran'er thought.

"Is that so..." Bohir muttered silently, and forced a smile, "That's good."

Sometimes, he feels that she is far away from him.Occasionally when it's time to be intimate, I feel a little afraid of her for no reason.

Yes, that feeling is fear, a spontaneous resistance.

But he did like her.

So, why exactly?
He thought for a while, and stopped thinking when he couldn't figure it out, and took Yin Ran'er's hand.

Yin Ran'er smiled and held him tightly.

Sure enough, after the little brother confessed his feelings, he became more active.

"I've been tired all day, let me take you to rest." She led the person to the direction of the jade escalator, and walked upstairs along the escalator.

"Where to rest?"

"Rest with me."


The two lived shamelessly for a few days, wandering around the palace every day.So much so that almost everyone knew that the princess had an unmarried son-in-law, and it was important to spoil her.

It's not good for others not to see it, let alone take a second look.

Soon, Yin Ran'er and Bo Xier got married.This wedding can be said to be the most grand event held by the Little Kingdom!
The princess made great contributions and saved the kingdom from peril.The son-in-law is extremely handsome, with a sense of immortality trembling all over his body.

From everyone's point of view, they felt that the two were a good match.Except of course the old king...

It is said that after all, the old king did not hold back the princess and accepted the son-in-law.

Since then, there have been two pairs of model couples in the kingdom, one is the king and queen, and they have been in love for many years.The pair is the princess and the son-in-law, and the son-in-law is often shy when being teased by the princess from time to time.

The world knew early on that the princess of their small kingdom was born with a beautiful appearance, but few people remembered the appearance of the son-in-law, only knowing that he was also very good-looking.

No one investigated the origin and background of the son-in-law, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't dare.

Although the princess is smiling every day, she always looks strange.Thinking about how much she doted on the son-in-law, no one would dare to investigate.

She was short-shouldered, it was scary.

"Look at what?"

Sneaking out from the palace to go shopping in the market, everyone along the way stared at Bosier's face, their eyes almost glued to their eyes.

Naturally, Yin Ran'er's attitude couldn't be good.Her person, only she can keep watching.

"Tch, this woman is so domineering, isn't she just relying on her good looks to dominate such an excellent husband..." A woman passing by couldn't stand it anymore, and muttered a few words of complaint in her mouth.

Unexpectedly, Yin Ran'er's hearing was excellent, and she happened to listen to every word without saying a word.In the end, she smiled at the woman, "It's really because of your good looks. If you can rely on it, you can rely on it."

If you don't look good, don't blame others for being good-looking.

The woman choked, her face turned black and green for a while, but she was powerless to refute.In the end, I had no choice but to "hum" and walk away.

Bossier didn't like to talk, and stood quietly by the side all the time.The slightly upward arc of the corner of his mouth showed that he was in a good mood.

He enjoyed her overbearing feeling very much.

(End of this chapter)

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