The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 182 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 3

Chapter 182 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 3
Stupid system: […] Did it say something wrong?
Eh?Why is it suddenly dark... the host?Host!

Yin Ran'er blocked the stupid system with a black face, and even shut him in the small dark room!At this time, she said she couldn't hear the system's "affectionate call" at all.

The candid photographer moved quietly, intending to escape.As soon as I turned around, my body suddenly became stiff and I couldn't move!
"Don't rush away..." The girl's voice floated faintly from behind, making him shiver with fright, and a chill gradually crept up his back.

Yin Ran'er turned in front of him, reached out and touched him...

Abnormal?Actress Yin Ran'er turned out to be a pervert!come on...

With a "swish", something seemed to be missing from the pocket.

His gaze moved up and suddenly stopped on the girl's hand!
Yin Ran'er took the candid photographer's wallet, opened it as a matter of course, and pulled out a stack of red soft girl coins from it!

A stack!
All that was left was a shiny coin, lying alone in the empty wallet.

"You scared me with the sneak shot just now, mental damage fee." She put away a stack of soft sister coins, raised her head and asked seriously:
"Did I take a little less?"

No, not a lot!Aunt, please let me go!How did I not see that you were frightened?
The candid photographer shook his head frantically, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Oh, that's fine." Yin Ran'er turned and left, walking away gradually.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to leave quickly, when he heard the girl's words again in a trance: "Next time you are free, remember to come to me for a sneak shot..."

next time?no next time!
The candid photographer clutched his empty wallet, slipped and fell!Got up, staggered and ran away.


Vehicles in modern cities come and go in an endless stream.

Yin Ran'er walked to the side of the road, reached out to hail a taxi, opened the door, and sat in the back seat.

"Miss, where are you going?" The driver's voice came from the front.

She stretched out her slender fingers, holding a red soft girl coin between her fingertips, and handed it to the driver through the gap in the middle of the taxi.

"Run first."


Yin Ran'er thought for a while, and then released the system from the little black room, sat in the car and began to receive the plot.

The stupid system is crying: This baby is wronged, but this baby doesn't say anything!
This is the modern 21st century world.

The original owner was originally a little white flower in the entertainment industry, but she firmly believed that with her own hard work, she could make a living, and she didn't want to be ruled by unspoken rules!

The producer and the director didn't give her good resources.

After nearly ten years of playing tricks, suddenly one day, the original owner offended the director on the set. The director saw that she was just a trick, and started to make things difficult for her.

The star who played the male lead in that drama was called Jing Cheng. When the filming first started, the female star who played the female lead played big names and was late for filming.

And the original owner arrived early in the morning, and he was not bad looking, so Jing Cheng mistook the original owner for the heroine, so after the filming started, he faced the original lead the whole time.

The two of them had such inexplicable scandals, and the original owner gained a bit of fame, and finally received a serious role.

She actually came to the door gratefully to thank Jing Cheng, but it turned out that Jing Cheng happened to be drugged by someone that night. In this case, the two of them should have slept that night!

On the second day, the topic of night stay was flying everywhere, Jing Cheng lost tens of millions of fans, and his reputation dropped rapidly!
The original owner, as a Xiaobai who had just started to take serious roles, was even worse than him!Being hacked on the Internet, being beaten on the road!He was ruthlessly blocked by the entertainment industry!

Jing Cheng's idiotic fans went crazy, almost wanting to eat the original owner alive!

The original owner had no choice but to go to Jing Cheng to discuss a solution.However, Jing Cheng thought she was cheating on him and wouldn't let go, and his favorability suddenly dropped to negative!

He explained to her that he was drunk yesterday, and he didn't elaborate on what happened to him.He simply gave her a few tickets and sent her directly to the countryside to "spend the rest of his life in peace".

Originally, this wasn't too bad, but who would have thought that the original owner was kidnapped by a fan on the way to the countryside, and was beaten to death with a sack!
In the end, he was beaten to death!

The original master suddenly.


At this point in time, it should be the part of the plot that just finished sleeping with Jing Cheng.

It's very late, and she will be hacked by the whole network in a short time, and sent to the countryside, where she will be wrapped in a sack and beaten to death...

But now if it was her, the possibility of being beaten to death was zero.

After receiving it, Yin Ran'er was silent for a long time, rubbing her temples, not knowing what to say.

These are some bloody plots!

Her body actually slept with someone else!
Calm down, calm down, maybe that Jing Cheng happens to be him?Yin Ran'er tried her best to calm down this emotion, suppressing the bloodthirsty factor in her body.

good very good.

If that Jing Cheng wasn't him, she would just beat him to death!Big deal crash plane, re-election!
"Go to Yuyang Garden." Yin Ran'er said to the driver in front of her with slightly parted lips.


She secretly took out the dagger, caressing the blade with her white fingers, the knuckles of her fingers were slightly white...

You better be him.

The system was trembling with fright at the side, not daring to make a sound.I am also praying in my heart, don't make any mistakes!
Little brother, come quickly!The host is going to do something!
(End of this chapter)

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