The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 183 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 4

Chapter 183 The Gossip Queen of the Entertainment Circle 4
"Miss, here we are."

The driver's uncle's voice suddenly sounded, and the car had stopped firmly.

Yin Ran'er pushed open the car door and walked down.

Opposite is a high-end residential area, the four big characters "Yuyang Garden" are inlaid in the center of the gate, which has a somewhat elegant and literary feel.

She concealed her emotions, followed the guidance given by the stupid system, and soon found Jing Cheng's residence after entering.

A modest high-end apartment.

Yin Ran'er raised her hand, bent her fingers and knocked on the door, "Knock, knock..."

"Who is it?" A male voice came from inside, but the tone could not be heard through the door.

She lowered her voice, "Check the gas."

"Hey, wait a minute." The person inside seemed to mutter again, "I'm so annoying..."

After a rustling sound, the footsteps were getting closer...

The door opened with a "click", and a handsome young man stood inside, leaning over the doorknob.

"Why is it you again..." The young man frowned, his eyes were full of displeasure, and he was about to close the door as if he recognized her.

Yin Ran'er was one step ahead of him, and before the door closed, she slid sideways into the apartment.

The door then locked.

"Get out." The boy's eyes were clouded, and he looked at her with an unfriendly look.

"Mr. Jing..." Yin Ran'er tentatively asked.

He ignored it, and stretched out his hand to open the door to drive people away. "Give you one last chance, get lost!"

She held the door with one hand, and he pulled it a few times, but it couldn't be opened.

Why is this woman so strong?It's annoying...

"Mr. Jing, did you sleep well last night?" She asked intentionally, with a vaguely curved mouth corner.

Jing Cheng responded coldly, and retorted: "Very good, very good, thanks to Miss Yin's skill in climbing the bed."

"Just sleep well." Yin Ran'er was not angry, and chatted casually.

Suddenly, taking advantage of Jing Cheng's nerves relaxing a little, she stretched out her hand and grabbed his wrist!
The traces of spiritual power gathered in the slender fingertips, passed into his body, and quickly spread to the whole body, surrounding the heart to feel it.

"Miss Yin respects herself!" Jing Cheng's face turned cold, he suddenly pulled his wrist out of hers, took a step back, and opened the distance between the two of them.

She didn't seem to care, she casually withdrew her hand and put it behind her back naturally.I rubbed my fingertips a few times, feeling the remaining warmth...

Very good, I won't kill you.

Yin Ran'er seemed to be in a much better mood, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was somewhat unclear.

Jing Cheng looked at him unnaturally, thinking that she had blackmailed him to ask for money.

He couldn't help frowning, took out a stack of white checks from his pocket, took a pen casually, and wrote a number on it, followed by a long string of zeros.

Well, the shot is quite generous.

Yin Ran'er remained silent, watching him finish writing, and then stuffed it into her hand impatiently.

"Here, this money is enough for you to spend your whole life! I hope that Miss Yin will disappear from my sight immediately!"

Jing Cheng paused, gave her a disgusted look, and raised his voice and said sharply, "If you don't want to break into a private house, you'll have to go to the police station!"

"You really want me to go?" She looked at him with a wider smile in her eyes.

Jing Cheng was shaken by the girl's smiling eyes, and some strange images flashed through his mind quickly, before he had time to catch them.

The bottom of my heart couldn't help becoming more and more irritable.

(End of this chapter)

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