The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 420 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 14

Chapter 420 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 14
After a while, the classroom door opened from the inside.

Yin Ran'er put her hands in her pockets and came out from inside.The corners of her lips rose slightly, indicating that her mood had improved a lot.

Behind him, the boy came out slowly, his thin lips were slightly red and swollen.As if he had just realized it, he reached out and touched his lips, his face flushed slightly.

How has she...

Forget it.

Ji Yin sighed, shook his head helplessly, and didn't think about it any further.

When she grows up, she will truly understand and see her own heart clearly... In fact, her relationship with him is just a family affection formed by getting along with him for a long time.

Suddenly, Ji Yin's palms itch.The girl's hand got into his palm, soft and delicate.

She did not move properly, and even scratched him lightly twice.

Like an electric shock, Ji Yin reflexively wanted to withdraw his hand, but in the end he insisted on not moving.He held Yin Ran'er's hand tightly: "Stop making trouble."

Yin Ran'er curled her lips, she didn't have the same knowledge as him, but she really didn't move.

Walking all the way, we soon arrived at the playground.

Ji Yin is still used to avoiding crowded places and always feels unsafe.

However, in the end Yin Ran'er forcibly brought him here.

They stood under the sparse green shade, and many rays of light faintly projected from the leaves above, reflecting spots on the ground.

Compared with the busy people in the distance, the two of them are simply too leisurely, with a feeling of tranquility.

"What are you doing over there?" Yin Ran'er stopped a passing student casually, asked, and pointed to the middle of the playground where the crowd gathered.

The students who passed by seemed to want to go there, but they were timid, and they were a little scared when Yin Ran'er stopped him: "...I don't know, it seems that someone was injured."

"Injury requires so many people to watch?"

It was horrible, and luckily no one could hurt her.

System: […] Its host is narcissistic again.

#主客一言不同就自恋爱,What should I do# Waiting online, very anxious...

Yin Ran'er pulled Ji Yin up in a serious manner, and went over to join in the fun.

It turned out that a boy was injured.

The wound on the neck is a bit like a snake bite, with two holes, but the bleeding has stopped, only two small red spots are left.

Everyone was afraid of snakes in the school, so they asked someone to call the school doctor to see if it was a snake bite.

However, the school doctor couldn't see it either.

School doctor: "..." Sorry, I'm not good at learning.

The boy's complexion was not very good, very pale, without any blood.He reached out and touched the wound on his neck, but couldn't remember what happened.

"I've been sucked blood." Yin Ran'er's voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and because of the distance, the people over there couldn't hear her.

And she was just holding a posture of watching a show, and she didn't intend to go up to help.

Yin Ran'er couldn't help but click her tongue, are all vampires so arrogant now?Dare to bite people and suck blood in the human world in broad daylight...

"It's a high-level blood race." Ji Yin said suddenly.

The bite marks on the body of every human who has been sucked by a vampire belong to a kind of mark. The mark of a high-level vampire is darker and will last for a long time.Decades, even hundreds of years.

If it was a blood king who marked someone, it would not be surprising that the mark existed for thousands of years.

Before he had time to think any more, Ji Yin suddenly felt countless eyes staring at them secretly!

This feeling is really not good.

Time seems to have been stopped, people and things around are motionless, maintaining various expressions, either surprised or scared, in short, it looks a little weird...

There seemed to be a slight sound in the air, Ji Yin reacted very quickly, grabbed Yin Ran'er and jumped away from the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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