The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 421 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 15

Chapter 421 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 15
A few sharp knives came through the air and stuck straight on the ground!Made of silver, with a shiny blade...

Obviously, this is a special weapon against the vampires, and these people are here to target them.

Ji Yin subconsciously hugged Yin Ran'er and leaned towards him.

This is a defensive posture.

From an angle Ji Yin couldn't see, the corners of Yin Ran'er's mouth curled up slightly, quite satisfied with his instinctive reaction.

Suddenly, there was an obvious energy fluctuation in the air.


Yin Ran'er smiled and pushed Ji Yin away.

"Xiaoran, be careful of the danger!" He said hastily.

"It's nothing." She comforted him symbolically, with a calm and breezy appearance, not in a hurry.

Finally, I have brought out some little guys, I hope it can be of some use.

A few black shadows appeared in the distance, their bodies were huge, and they looked a little intrusive from a distance.

Seeing that Yin Ran'er was out of Ji Yin's protection range, they immediately wanted to deal with her, and a teleportation appeared in front of her, reaching out very quickly to pinch her neck...

However, in the next second, Yin Ran'er easily accepted the move.

These blood hunters who appeared out of thin air were all staring at her, Yin Ran'er shook her hand, and wiped the blood hunter in front of her by mistake.

Yin Ran'er: "..."


It was none of her business that they frightened her first.


Why does the host feel more and more irritable? It's really scary.The host next door is kind, innocent and lovely all day long.

Look at its host again...


It's hard to say a word, and if I say too much, I will cry.

"How dare you kill the same kind!" The group of blood hunters became uneasy when they saw that Yin Ran'er had easily killed a blood race under their control.

"The winner is king." Her reaction was mixed.

The truth is the same, the blood clan has always respected the purity of the bloodline, and whoever is the most powerful is the king.

It's not really killing the same kind...

How could the blood hunters listen to her? They rushed up in a shameless swarm, trying to trap Yin Ran'er and Ji Yin in the middle.

They sacrificed the weapons in their hands, and they were all kinds of bells and whistles, which looked quite powerful.

Ji Yin looked stern, looking at everything around him coldly, ready to fight at any time!
Yin Ran'er looked up at him, then fell silent, took out a piece of clean white cloth, and covered his eyes.

These eyes should not see any blood and killing.It looks best when it's clean...

"Leave it to me, trust me." Yin Ran'er tied the cloth strips on his eyes, and promised in his ear.

"No, you haven't fully adapted to your body yet..."

"Who said that?" Yin Ran'er had a serious face with a small face.

If you're a girl, you can't say no! !
Didn't it just attract a few little guys?She can! !

"Be good, wait for me." She dropped this sentence, and then hurried over to the blood hunters!
Ji Yin felt that there was nothing beside her, and quickly reached out to grab it, but only caught a corner of her clothes.The feeling of emptiness rushed into my heart like a tide...

Accompanying it, there seemed to be a little uneasiness.

Ji Yin wanted to tear off the blindfold to help her, but he restrained himself in the end.

She doesn't seem to like him protecting her and meddling in these things...

The sound of fighting came from the air. It was very intense at first, but after a while, the sound gradually weakened.

Within 10 minutes, calm was restored.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, and the smell of blood could still be smelled.

(End of this chapter)

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