The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 423 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 17

Chapter 423 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 17
"It will allow me to find you."

Yin Ran'er explained ambiguously and answered vaguely.

find him…

Ji Yin saw that she didn't seem to intend to continue, so he stopped asking and let her grab his wrist.

In fact, even if it is a locator, he doesn't care.After all, he felt that he had nothing to hide from her.

There is a little more connection between the two, and Ji Yin feels a little faintly happy.

However, he didn't realize that his feelings for her were no longer as simple as brother and sister...

Soon, dusk fell, and night quietly replaced day.

this evening.

Ji Yin received an anonymous letter.

A black envelope appeared on the windowsill without warning, and a delicate rose was pressed on the envelope.

Ji Yin took the rose flower, opened the envelope and looked at it, the content matched the style of the black envelope very well.

——The face watered with blood is eternal, and withering is also eternal life.

Is withering also eternal life?

Ji Yin's mind suddenly flashed the image of the day, thinking of the human boy who died at school today.

The parents said that the boy turned into a mummy. Doesn't the shriveled corpse look like it's withered?

This is a threatening letter.

The envelope in his hand was suddenly taken away, and when Ji Yin turned his head, he saw the girl read the letter with lowered eyebrows.

In fact, Yin Ran'er just glanced at it, then stuffed it back into his hand, lacking in interest.

They are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, why are you still playing this troublesome thing with her?Long-winded.

"How long has it been since you returned to the world of the blood race?" Yin Ran'er suddenly remembered and asked him.

Ji Yin didn't know if it was because of his lack of memory, or because he really couldn't remember clearly, he shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then do you know how to get back?"

"do not know."

Yin Ran'er: "..."

Ask three questions!The character of the goblin... amnesia is really troublesome!
How can she go back to the blood race world now?Do you still want her to be queen? ?
System, come out and explain!

The stupid system pretended to be dead, and didn't answer calls or come out without saying a word.

"Xiao Ran, do you want to go back to the blood race world?" Ji Yin asked.

She is just a newborn vampire, and it would be dangerous to return to the vampire world. There are vampires with higher abilities than her everywhere, and it is easy to get hurt in conflicts.

Why would you want to go back?
Ji Yin didn't understand.

Yin Ran'er: "..." No, I don't want to go at all!

"Hmm." She responded.

Ji Yin was silent for a while, as if thinking about something.After a while, he finally made up his mind and got up.

He hugged the girl's shoulders, and the next second, the two of them disappeared together.

The room was empty, and it suddenly became quiet...

After coming out, Yin Ran'er's surroundings suddenly changed places.

She turned to look.


A huge plaque of a certain club stood in front of her.

...Here, what did the little goblin bring her here for?
"What are you doing here?" She asked casually.

You can't bring her to have fun, can you?Don't break his legs, just lock him up! !
Ji Yin raised his eyes and stared at the bustling club in front of him, and suddenly replied without beginning or end: "He should have a way to go back to the blood race world."

This clubhouse is the one where he came to collect rations last time.

Every time he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to suck blood, Ji Yin would come here to get rations.

who is it?

Before Yin Ran'er asked, Ji Yin had already opened the door of the clubhouse and entered, walking in front to lead her.

She had to follow up first.

The clubhouse was full of lights and feasting, and the deafening music was really loud.

Ji Yin's back was a little thin, and he seemed a little out of place in this noisy place, amidst the crazy dancing crowd.

Also, he doesn't belong here.

(End of this chapter)

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