The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 424 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 18

Chapter 424 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 18
Ji Yin walked in front, and Yin Ran'er followed closely behind.

The two went around, and finally got away from the noisy crowd, walked to a remote corner, and stood in front of a door.

This is the room he was in last time.

But the difference is that this time Ji Yin knocked on the door for a long time, but no one responded.

After a while, I felt someone approaching gradually behind me! !He turned around suddenly, his eyes were cold...

"Sir, don't be nervous, our young master has something to do now, you can go in and rest first."

A man who looked like a waiter opened the door of the room, and respectfully made a "please" gesture to Ji Yin.

"Beautiful lady, you can also go in together."

The waiter was very discerning, and could tell at a glance that these two... blood clans were together, since the young master invited one, the other naturally couldn't be offended.

It's just... the other one, why does it look a little small?

The waiter tactfully did not ask.

Yin Ran'er was not too polite. After entering this room, she sat down on the black leather sofa casually. As a girl, this posture is really not beautiful.

But it's not ugly for her to sit out. On the contrary, the girl has a special aura.

A little ruffian.

She casually glanced around, looking at the layout of the room wantonly, her behavior was a little arrogant.

Ji Yin sat down opposite her, thinking about something.

After waiting for a while, someone finally came back.

"Why, this time you fell into another addiction so quickly?"

The one who came in was the alluring man from last time, with dark red hair tied behind him, dignified and elegant.

As the man approached, he noticed that there was another girl besides Ji Yin, and he was obviously taken aback.

He suddenly laughed: "Wait, let me guess... this must be your little girlfriend."

Ji Yin looked up at him.

The man flipped his dark red hair twice, but changed his words: "Okay, just kidding."

If you ask him, according to Ji Yin's posture, it doesn't look like he is raising a girl, but he is clearly raising a girlfriend!
But Ji Yin didn't want to say...

The air in the room seemed to drop several degrees, and the two men looked at Yin Ran'er at the same time. She was sitting on the sofa like a big sister, with a cold face, obviously unhappy.

Yin Ran'er was blowing air-conditioning all over her body...

——I have always regarded you as a partner.

What she said last time flashed in Ji Yin's mind, and his expression changed slightly.

The seductive man's eyes fell on the two of them, looking back and forth, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What addiction did you just say about him?" Yin Ran'er suddenly mentioned what happened just now.

"Blood addiction."

As a vampire, he doesn't drink blood all the year round and relies on rations to maintain his life. This kid doesn't know what kind of quirk it is...

Ji Yin wanted to stop him from speaking out, but before he had time, he took a step too late.

Ji Yin was almost breathless, not daring to see Yin Ran'er's reaction.

She was originally a human being, and she would hate him when she heard that he was so dependent on blood and would frequently fall into blood addiction...

However, he thought too much, Yin Ran'er just nodded to show that he knew, and didn't express any special thoughts for the time being.

Immediately afterwards, she asked the next question, straight to the point: "Do you know how to return to the world of blood race?"

A stack of red banknotes was placed on the table, she pushed it expressionlessly, and handed it to the seductive man: "Can you tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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