The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 441 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 35

Chapter 441 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 35
Ji Yin glanced coldly at Aiya Lisa over there, he buried Yin Ran'er's face in his arms, covering her face, not wanting others to see it.

Aya Lisa became more and more jealous, but she still had to maintain a smile on the surface: "My lord, look at what I just said..."

"I won't care anymore."

Ji Yin refused without hesitation.

This group of blood races obviously knew that they couldn't fight the huge number of blood hunters, so they came to ask him for help.

But on the other hand, I'm afraid they also want to take this opportunity to get rid of him completely.

The first time he was tricked was because he was unprepared, but how could he be tricked the second time?

Aiya Lisa was sent to discuss this matter with Ji Yin, but he did not expect his attitude to be so decisive that there was no room for negotiation.

Her complexion was not very good: "My lord..."


Ji Yin didn't talk nonsense to her anymore, just raised his hand, and it was a burst of energy when he hit her!
Aya Lisa's complexion changed drastically, and she fought back in a hurry. After accepting the energy, she couldn't help but took a few steps back.

He actually became stronger again? !

"In that case, then Alyssa will leave first. If the Earl changes his mind, you can contact me again..."

She weighed it up and felt that she might not be his opponent, so she had to choose to leave first, otherwise she might not even know how she died.

Aiya Lisa teleported and disappeared here, a bit like fleeing, saving even walking time.

The villa was quiet again.

After a long time, the girl's voice broke the atmosphere, muffled through the cloth:

"How long are you going to hold?"

Ji Yin's voice was low and hoarse: "It's not enough to hold you for a lifetime."

lifetime? !
Is the goblin trying to suffocate her?The mind is too vicious...

"I need to breathe."

oxygen!Her body hasn't become a god yet, she needs oxygen! !
Hearing this, Ji Yin let go of his hand suddenly, freeing the girl from her embrace.Holding her shoulders with both hands, he looked at her face.

The girl's face turned a little red with boredom, and he felt relieved that nothing else seemed to be serious.

Yin Ran'er took a few deep breaths, slowed down, and remembered what the woman said just now.

"You really don't care about this war?"

"Well, don't care." Ji Yin still said this
Yin Ran'er also expected that things he decides will not change.

She pondered for a while...

According to the information provided by the stupid system, humans and blood races on this plane have been at odds since a long time ago, and wars are common.

But this time it was obviously different.

With a large number of people and a larger scale than previous wars, the blood race is almost at a disadvantage.

This has never been the case before, this is the first time.

And Yin Ran'er felt that someone was manipulating everything behind her back, maybe it was the puppet she met.

I'm afraid that if they really don't care this time, one of the two races will face genocide.

[Host, you have to become the blood queen. 】


She almost forgot that the original owner had a last wish.

Look, you have to become the Queen of the Blood Clan... Then you can't let the Blood Clan be exterminated! !
Yin Ran'er was thinking about letting human beings exterminate... that's even more impossible!After all, they are almost the masters of all planes in the Three Thousand Worlds, which shows that they have a strong ability to survive.

Hey, headache.

"Why do humans start wars?" She suddenly thought of this.

She doesn't believe that human beings have too much grievances against blood clans, so wars broke out.If they don't have any hole cards, would they dare to play?
If you want to solve the problem, you have to start from the source!
(End of this chapter)

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