The God of Quick Transmigration is spoiled by me

Chapter 442 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 36

Chapter 442 Blood Clan Girls Are Not To Be Messed with 36
Ji Yin's eyes turned cold, and her thin lips parted slightly: "For the spirit staff."

The spirit staff, originally the water god staff of the elves, has the ability to recover, but was later plundered by the blood tribe.

After being cursed by the vampire, the spirit stick almost becomes an evil thing, which can induce new abilities of vampire members, and can also trigger the abilities of humans or animals.

The purpose of human beings initiating wars should be to get the spiritual staff.

They don't have any abilities at all, even blood hunters can only fight with weapons.But getting the Spirit Staff is different, humans can gain new abilities.At that time, it may be stronger than the blood race.

"how do you know?"

The goblin is so sure?
Ji Yin said truthfully: "That enchantment was completed with the help of the spirit staff."

I just didn't expect this group of blood races to design...

Ji Yin's eyes are getting darker and darker, and there is a faint storm surging in them.

Yin Ran'er hugged him and said a few words of comfort: "Don't think about it, it's all over, and it won't happen again in the future."

She should always protect him.


The war between the blood race and the human race is fiercely staged every day, and even ordinary people have noticed that something is wrong, and there are always earthquakes recently.

The blood hunters entered the blood race world in large numbers, and at the same time comforted the ordinary people. It's all right, but the natural disasters have occurred frequently recently.

As for the vampires, without Ji Yin's help, the vampires were overwhelmed with work, and those with low abilities were even avoiding everywhere.

Mobilize the holy artifact?

There is a price to pay for using the holy weapon, just like Ji Yin used the spiritual staff back then.

The Spirit Staff is one of the holy artifacts...

"who are you.

Before the several blood guards guarding the gate had finished speaking, they all fell to the ground and made a dull sound on the ground.

Only the guard standing in front of the central gate is fine.

He raised the weapon in his hand and looked at the comer in horror: "You...what do you want to do?"

The delicate-looking girl walked to the door step by step, and asked innocently: "Brother guard, can you let me in?"

If she hadn't killed so many blood races in an instant just now, he would probably believe that she was just a little girl.

"You don't want to go in!"

There are sacred artifacts kept here, if you can enter it casually, big things will happen!
"That's it...then I won't go in."

Originally, she couldn't get in here either.

The girl cut a gash on the blood guard's arm at an unusually fast speed, and a few drops of blood splashed on her face.

She stuck out her tongue and licked it, her voice was slow and bewitching: "Brother, help me take out the holy vessel, okay?"

The blood guard's eyes gradually dimmed, lost their luster, and their expression was numb, like a puppet being manipulated.

"…it is good."

after awhile.

The puppet got the holy artifact, which is the spirit staff.She greedily felt the powerful energy contained in the holy vessel, and left satisfied.

Behind her, all the blood guards who fell on the ground turned into powder the moment she turned around, and were all annihilated...

On the other side, blood clans and human blood hunters are fighting fiercely on the battlefield.

As soon as the various weapons of human blood hunting were used, the blood race fell into a disadvantage.

"My lord, those lowly humans have somehow become stronger again! Now they have a group of people, and they are almost hitting the altar!"

"Quickly stop them and kill them! You bastards!!"

Aiya Lisa was so angry that she threw away the blood race in front of her with one move, and her heart burst into rage.

How dare you, now even humans don't take them seriously?

She wants to see for herself, what kind of human beings can attack the altar!

(End of this chapter)

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