Chapter 448
—— calm down, you are too impulsive...

——Stop it, don't!If you care about me, stop now!

——Yin Ran'er, you are simply a devil!I curse you for eternity, immortality, immortality, immortality!

--what! !

——[Host, let's collect the little brother's resentful soul as soon as possible. 】

——[Host, do you like little brother? 】


——I will do all the dark and dirty things for you, as long as you are clean, it will be the best.

—You'd better not run, I said it wouldn't hurt you, never.


——A Yin, I love you.


Yin Ran'er had a splitting headache, she swayed, and her fingertips overflowed with a trace of original force surrounding her, and it took a few seconds before she managed to stabilize herself.

She took a few deep breaths, then suddenly stepped forward, leaned over and grabbed the boy's neck! !
"what have you done?"

why is she so sad...

Also, those memories...

Qi Yao didn't dodge, or in his current state, he couldn't dodge at all.

He was choked and couldn't breathe, his blood overflowed, and a mouthful of blood came out unexpectedly! !

The bright red blood slowly flowed down the corner of the mouth, dripping on the back of the girl's fair hand, and a strange blood flower bloomed.

"...No, because it is indeed...Master...your own memory."

The young man managed to utter a complete sentence, but still closed his eyes and smiled: "... Is Master finally planning to kill me?"

kill him?

Yin Ran'er's eyes seemed to be dazed for a moment, her hand suddenly paused, and her strength loosened.

The boy fell to the ground limply, hitting the iron chain and making a loud hissing sound.

Qi Yao frowned in pain, every part of his body was in pain like tearing, but he didn't make a sound.

"What's going on, don't you plan to talk about it?"

Yin Ran'er looked down at him with a stern look, her cold voice had no warmth.

Qi Yao has been coughing, his hoarse throat is unpleasant and harsh.

"Heh... what does Master want to hear..."

You don't want to know.

"System." Yin Ran'er spit out two words coldly, and asked, "What is that system?"

How did that so-called system communicate with her?
"It's a succubus." Qi Yao's tone was somewhat mocking, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at her for falling into the succubus he raised, or if he was laughing at himself.

"Pair it with a bottle of black spiritual water, and Master will naturally dream when he uses his spiritual power."


I'm afraid that experience was not a dream...

She has tried more than once, and the energy contained in each world is real.

Yin Ran'er suddenly figured something out, raised her eyebrows, and her cold expression finally became more lively.

"The reason why you call those dreams is because this dream is two-way, right?"

He didn't want to admit that he had said more than once that he loved her when neither of them could remember.

Injure the enemy one thousand, and self-injury eight hundred.In this dream, it is not certain who will lose...

There seemed to be a slight smile on the corner of Yin Ran'er's mouth, but unfortunately, he couldn't see it.

Qi Yao obviously paused, and then quickly returned to normal: "Two-way... so what, it's just a dream."

Even if it's all real world, he can't lose.

He can't afford to lose...

"Pleasure me."

The girl's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Qi Yao was taken aback: "What?"

Yin Ran'er bent down slightly, getting closer to him, and said in a uneven voice:

"Qi Yao, you should try to please me now, maybe I will let you out."

(End of this chapter)

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