Chapter 449
What a joke.

Qi Yao almost thought it was an auditory hallucination, and was so shocked that he didn't recover for a long time.

In everyone's impression, she has always been that lofty, unsmiling spiritual master.

When did you say such a thing?

"The apprentice has been reduced to what he is now... isn't it thanks to the gift of the master? Heh... the master is still in the mood to mock me now."

Qi Yao uttered these words through gritted teeth, the black feather imprint on his forehead was looming, showing a bit of evil spirit.

Qi Yao's body was full of hostility and hatred.

Back then, she told him to protect her eyes, thinking it was for his own good, but she didn't expect it was because she liked it.

She likes these eyes, so in the end... took away his eyes, cut off all the tendons of his hands and hamstrings, and imprisoned him in a dark dungeon.

One prison is 1000 years!

Yin Ran'er looked at the young man kneeling limply on the ground, his hands and feet were tightly bound by iron chains, his skin was all worn out and bloody, it was unsightly...

Her eyes darkened, and her red lips parted slightly: "But you also plotted against me later, and you should have killed you."

But she didn't seem to want to kill him very much.

Yin Ran'er knew very well.

If someone else wanted to plot against her like this, she would definitely repay her a hundredfold, and let her soul fly away!

"Qi Yao, we're even."

"...Even, huh... how do you count as even? My eyes, I have stayed in this dungeon for 1000 years, how will the master be evened?? And I will treat you..."

Qi Yao's voice stopped abruptly, and he fell silent for a while, without continuing.

Yin Ran'er narrowed her eyes slightly: "What else?"


Qi Yao lowered his head, his hands and feet were limply drooping, and he resumed his dying posture.He didn't want to say any more, and he didn't let go.

Yin Ran'er was silent for a moment, then gave him a meaningful look.She is not a person who asks too much, so naturally she didn't ask any more.

Relatively silent.

The empty dungeon suddenly fell into silence, and only the sound of the large expanse of magma "gurgling" boiling in the surrounding magma pool could be heard, giving off a gloomy and strange feeling.

It's like the oil pan in hell.

Yin Ran'er groped around for a while, and finally found a small bottle, which was blue and translucent, and looked pretty good.

If the system is still there at this time, it will definitely recognize it. This is the small blue glass bottle used in the filming of Nicole's perfume in the entertainment world.

She actually brought the thing out again and brought it into this world.

Just like before, she always wore the white kerchief given by the little monk Bai Yuqing.

But the difference is that this time the glass bottle contains something...

—Like a pair of black pupil eyes.

It's just that they've lost their luster, are lifeless, and don't look good at all.

This was destroyed by her own hands...

Yin Ran'er's heart suddenly throbbed!A thought popped into my mind...

Perhaps, should it be returned to him?
The prerequisite for making these eyes beautiful is that their owner is him.

She frowned, but decided to follow her heart.She raised her hand slightly, her fingertips overflowing with pure black original power.

The energy circled around the blue glass bottle, the cork moved slightly, showing a tendency to open...

However, Yin Ran'er suddenly thought of something, stopped suddenly, and withdrew his energy again!
No, Nightmare!
Was she influenced by him just now, or did she really want to give it back to him?
Yin Ran'er always felt that this didn't look like her, but the feeling in her heart was indeed a bit weird...

It seemed that she just wanted to treat him better for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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