Chapter 450
Yin Ran'er's expression changed, her expressionless face seemed indifferent and confused.

In the end, she put away the blue glass bottle and did nothing for the time being.

She must find out whether the succubi is still in her nerves, if it is still there, then everything makes sense, and she must kill him.

She doesn't allow anyone to control her thoughts and ideas, it's too bad...

But if the succubus is gone and she still wants to treat him well, it proves...

Yin Ran'er's expression moved slightly, and the emotion in his eyes flashed, so fast that it was hard to grasp.

"When does Master plan to do it..."

The young man's voice was somewhat self-deprecating, soft, with a feeling of emptiness.Just like his current state, it seems that life will disappear at any time.

Yin Ran'er asked back: "Why do you expect me to do it so much?"

After all, no one expects death.

"Death is better than living a whole day... What does Master say?" Qi Yao's tone did not fluctuate, and he was numb to everything.

It was clearly a handsome and extraordinary young man's face, but there was no trace of vitality that it should have.On him, not even a trace of the vitality of a living person could be seen.

There is just a dead silence of despair.

Due to the environment, he cannot be blamed.

Anyone imprisoned in a dungeon for 1000 years would go mad.

"It's not that I haven't thought about death, but the spiritual power that the master exerted on this iron chain is too strong... This disciple is powerless to resist."

"Otherwise...the villain won't continue to live and hinder your eyes."

With his whole body crippled, he couldn't even die...

Qi Yao still knelt and sat on the ground with his whole body limp, with his head bowed, a few strands of black hair hung messily, spreading on his bloody clothes, stained with dried blood.

"I'm afraid it won't work." Yin Ran'er ruthlessly broke his thoughts.

How could her apprentice die casually?

Yes, it's her...

Her people can only die with her.

Yin Ran'er's eyes darkened, and she suddenly said, "Do you want to go out?"

Qi Yao hung his body, unmoved.

She stood with her hands behind her back, not angry.It was rare to be patient, and I told him the conditions again, and my voice unknowingly softened: "I will say it one last time."

"Qi Yao, if you please me, I will let you out."

As long as he is willing to bow his head, she can let go of the troubles that plotted against her and even the devil world.

Qi Yao raised his head slightly, his voice was hoarse and trembling: "Master said it true?"

He cannot see her.

he is blind...

Yin Ran'er looked at the young man's appearance at this time, and that strange feeling reappeared in her heart, which was not very good.


After getting a definite answer, Qi Yao didn't relax, nor did he feel any joy or rejoicing.

Instead, a feeling of embarrassment and humiliation welled up in his heart, almost overwhelming him.

please her...

To get out of here...

Can I really get out of here?
Qi Yao took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.At the end, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

The smile is sunny, pure and clean.

"Master, can you come over a little bit? This disciple can't see you..."

The voice behind the young man gradually quieted down, and his smile aroused pity.

In fact, his face was splashed with a lot of dark blood, which had dried up, and it wasn't really clean, it was a little dirty.

But Yin Ran'er paused for a moment, then took a step forward and walked over, stopping just a short distance in front of him.

Qi Yao moved his body cautiously, leaned over, and pressed his face to the corner of her clothes, his voice trembling with a bit of tentativeness:

"Master... For the past 1000 years, I have missed you so much."

(End of this chapter)

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