Chapter 459
——From now on, let’s live the same life as in the dream.

These words kept echoing in Qi Yao's mind.

What does she mean?
Before he could figure it out, the girl's touch had already left.He heard the sound of footsteps gradually going away, and then the sound of the door being closed!
In the huge side hall, once again fell into a deathly silence...

Qi Yao's heart sank gradually again, and the hope that had just emerged was submerged in the undercurrent of surging emotions and disappeared.

What was he thinking just now... He actually thought she...

Master, she is a high-ranking, honorable Lingzun, how could she be willing to be with him...

Qi Yao was lying on the bed, with one hand struggling to move the position, covering his pair of eyes that had already been...

After that, there was no more movement.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before he fell asleep.

In his sleep, Qi Yao seemed to have returned to that long dream, feeling that there were hands protecting him, treating him extremely gently.

However, he soon woke up.

Everything in the dream disappeared again...

After Qi Yao woke up, he felt something was wrong with the taste in his mouth.It seemed that he drank something bitter, and there was a bitter taste in his mouth.

Who gave him something to drink during this time?
...Is the master back again?

What did he drink?
Qi Yao thought in a daze, unstoppable drowsiness swept over him, and he gradually lost consciousness again...
Here in the devil world.

The sky was still dark and gloomy, day and night.The surrounding environment still exudes a strange and penetrating feeling.

However, there were no more grotesque creatures maliciously attacking people.

Yin Ran'er was walking on the road and ran into a few demons from time to time. They just stared at her for a while, and then went about their own business without coming forward.

It seems that the warning she gave last time was heeded.

The Demon Lord cherishes his current throne very much.

she thinks.

Before continuing to walk for a long time, Yin Ran'er finally saw a high-level devil cultivator on the side of the road, so he grabbed him and had a friendly exchange.

A member of the demon world: "..." trembling.

This woman is so fierce.

"How much do you know about your abilities in the demon world?" Yin Ran'er asked seriously.

"No... not much."


A member of the demon world suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed his words: "No, no, I understand, I know a lot."

Yin Ran'er glanced up and down at him faintly, thought about it, and then continued.

"About the succubus, let's talk about it."

"Uh..." A certain member of the demon world stumbled for a moment. In fact, he was frightened mainly because he saw Yin Ran'er's eyes.

This woman doesn't look like a person from the Devil Realm, why ask about the Devil Realm?Could it be to investigate the Demon World...

However, due to the disparity in strength, he still said it, and dared not say it.

"Dream demons are mostly raised by people, and some are wild, but they hide very deep and are not easy to catch..."

Nightmare is divided into several levels.Just like people from other walks of life cultivate, low-level people don't need to be afraid, but high-level people are more powerful.

High-level succubi can invade people's nerves, immersing people in weaving dreams, and it is very difficult to wake up.

No matter how powerful a person is, as long as he has a dark side, he may be invaded by the succubus and fall into a deep sleep.

There are good and bad dreams, if it is a dream deliberately manipulated by someone, that person will also enter the dream.

Moreover, the succubus will not die easily.

(End of this chapter)

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