Chapter 460
In this way, it is very likely that the system still exists in her nerves...

How could she allow something else to invade her nerves for a long time?This is a great hidden danger.

Yin Ran'er's eyes narrowed dangerously: "What's the solution?"

A certain member of the demon world was frightened by the dangerous aura she exuded, and there was a gust of wind behind her.Immediately, he didn't dare to hide anything, and said everything like beans.

"You can... lure it to appear! As long as there is a moment of confusion, it may take the opportunity to come out to manipulate the nerves and make people enter a dream!"

It turned out to be the case.

Yin Ran'er nodded, and waved away the demon congregation, but did not make things difficult for him anymore.

A member of the demon world: "..."

This, this can go?
Was it just a simple question?Seeing this woman's aura is so strong, he thought she would kill him...

He ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay longer, as if he was afraid that she would go back on his word.

Yin Ran'er: "..."

She didn't care, turned around and returned to the spirit world.

When passing through the fairy world, Yin Ran'er paused for a while, looking towards the direction where the two elders and the immortals often gather...

I don't know why, but the immortal power over there seems to have suddenly become stronger.

Recently, did the fairy world obtain any fairy artifacts?

However, she didn't think much, just glanced over there, then withdrew her gaze, and returned to the spirit world without hesitation.

Or she is too proud, but she does have the capital.

Everyone knows that the cold and indifferent Lingzun is the head of the six, so powerful that it is frightening.

So there will always be people who are not afraid of death and come to her for help, wanting to establish a relationship with the spirit world.

As for...what exactly did she go through to become like this, who would care.
Once back in the spirit world, Yin Ran'er went back into the side hall.

Even the spirit beasts are curious about what kind of treasure is hidden in the side hall, so hooking the soul of the lord.

Of course, it dare not ask.

In the side hall.

Yin Ran'er closed the door casually, holding a bowl of dark soup in the other hand.Feel it carefully, there seems to be a special energy in the soup.

She walked in, stood by the bed in the innermost room, and her eyes fell on the young man on the bed.

The body is still so thin.

Dressed in white, coupled with his handsome pale face, at first glance, he looked like a sick and beautiful boy.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of torture he had suffered before he became like this...

In fact, Qi Yao had already sensed her coming in.It's just that he couldn't see and didn't know how to face her every time, so he pretended not to wake up.

But at this moment, he felt his body being lifted up, half leaning against the edge of the bed.

"The deity knew you were awake and drank this."

The girl's voice couldn't help but take on a commanding tone, maybe she didn't do it on purpose, but she was just used to it.

Qi Yao didn't understand, and felt a strange feeling in his heart, which was not very good.

He couldn't help mocking: "Is the master planning to use me as an experiment?"

Give him some strange things to drink, and the use value cannot be wasted.

Yin Ran'er put it bluntly: "What kind of experiments do you think you can do with your current physical condition?"

Qi Yao's face was ugly, and he opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute in the end.

That's right, his meridians have been cut off and he's blind again, how can he be a test subject...

Yin Ran'er waited impatiently after holding it for a long time: "Do you want to drink?"

"Do not…"

Before Qi Yao finished speaking, she squeezed his chin hard and poured it directly! !
(End of this chapter)

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