Chapter 470
The night is getting darker.

The boy lay on the bed, pulled the quilt over him, folded his hands in front of him, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

Lying here all day long, I really don't feel sleepy.

And the master will come to see her at night, he wants to wait for her, and doesn't want her to find that he has fallen asleep after she comes.

There are no lights in the side hall, and the light is quite dark.

Qi Yao doesn't have any spiritual power now, he's just an ordinary person...not even a human being, so he can't make the side hall light up.

The door of the temple made a slight sound, and opened halfway, and a small piece of faint light came in from the outside.

Hearing the voice, the boy immediately turned over and opened his eyes to look over.

Against the light, a vague figure walked slowly towards the room, and stood not far from the bed.

The hall was inexplicably cold and quiet.

Qi Yao said uncertainly: "Master?"


After getting the answer, in the darkness, the young man's joyful voice sounded immediately, slightly jumping up: "Master finally came to see me."

Hearing this, the girl's vague figure gradually walked in, lifted the bed curtain with her fingers, and sat down beside the bed: "Didn't you come to see you every day?"

"I just want to see Master."

Qi Yao simply wanted to see Yin Ran'er. Although he could see her every night, she only stayed for a while.

It feels like the days are so long.

Yin Ran'er rubbed his head, "Feeling bored?"

The little goblin hasn't fully recovered yet, so she can only stay in the side hall. There is nothing to do all day long, and it will definitely be boring.

Who knew that the boy just shook his head and smiled: "It's not boring, it's great to see you."

It doesn't matter, he has long been used to such days.

Besides, it is much better now than in the dungeon before, he is very content.

"A few more days, when you can go to the ground, I can take you out for a walk."

Yin Ran'er reached into the quilt and touched his leg.

In the darkness, Qi Yao seemed to be stunned for a moment, his face changed slightly, his expression was a little unnatural, he couldn't help holding his breath: "...Master?"

"Huh?" She looked normal, and had no other extra thoughts.

The fingertips slid down and landed on his knees. Yin Ran'er covered them with her hands and pressed them lightly twice: "How do you feel about your legs?"

The veins have been cleared up a lot, and it should have recovered much better.

"It's ready to move."

Seeing that she didn't have any other thoughts, Qi Yao couldn't help feeling ashamed and scolded himself several times.

You, you are really worthless, thinking about something messy!

However, there is a more sensitive feeling on his legs, which also shows that his body is recovering and his perception is getting stronger.

"Come down for a walk?" Yin Ran'er was patiently asking him what he wanted, but at the end, he decided to forget it: "Try to leave tomorrow, it's too late."

"take a good rest.

The last word is not finished yet.

Qi Yao suddenly said firmly: "Master, I want to try now."

If she doesn't say that, she's leaving.If you try to walk around, you can stay with her for a while.

"Okay." Yin Ran'er followed him, not feeling anything wrong.

Qi Yao nodded, pulled back the quilt, got up and got ready to get down, he could already complete these movements that didn't require too much effort.

She reached out to help him, "You can slow down."

As soon as his heart warmed up, he took her hand and tried to get down. He was a little weak when his feet first landed, but he could persevere.

"Master, I have recovered a lot! Look..."

The young man was overjoyed and turned around to talk to the person beside him, but suddenly his knee and ankle hurt and his body became unstable.

(End of this chapter)

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