Chapter 471
Qi Yao was caught off guard and fell forward. He was about to fall, but suddenly his waist was grabbed, and a pulling force brought him back.

She hugged his waist, turned her face to look at him seriously: "Are you all right?"

"No, nothing." Qi Yao felt lingering fear, but found himself leaning against Yin Ran'er's arms, with almost half of his body leaning on her.

His breathing was stagnant, his knees and ankles were in unbearable pain, and his legs were weak.

"Don't stand still, come and sit down."

"Oh, good."

Yin Ran'er supported him, went back to the bed and sat down, motioned him to take off his shoes: "Go up."

Qi Yao obediently followed suit, and when he got up, his upper body leaned against the head of the bed with all his strength.

He folded his hands in front of him, pinching his fingers, like a child who has made a mistake and is waiting to be punished.

Yin Ran'er gave him a funny look, reached out and squeezed his fingers: "Don't be nervous, take it easy."

With a faint smile, she let go of his hand, put it on his knee, and injected some spiritual power to relieve his pain.

Then, she also lightly covered his ankle, and it was the same.

"Master, it doesn't matter there." Qi Yao subconsciously stopped her, her status is noble, she can't...

"Then do you want to recover quickly?" She said to the point.

Sure enough, Qi Yao no longer resisted, but still let her infuse spiritual power into his body.

But he was still a little shy, the skin around his ankle was too sensitive, it felt a little numb when she touched it like this.

After Yin Ran'er finished relieving his pain, his earlobes were already so red that they were about to bleed.

"Qi Yao."


Yin Ran'er looked serious, even a little serious: "The spiritual power and devil energy in your body are unbalanced, are you feeling uncomfortable now?"

It's not that there is too much spiritual power, it's that there is too little spiritual power.

Staying in the dungeon all year round, in that environment, the devilish energy in the young man's body continued to grow, devouring spiritual power.

And he is half demon and half immortal. Although the spiritual power has assimilated the immortal power in his body, it still cannot be equal to the devil energy.

"'s okay, Master, don't worry."

"Do you have any other feelings?"

Perhaps it was because the spiritual power here was too pure and strong, so the devilish energy in his body didn't dare to make a fuss, and it didn't cause any harm to him.

Qi Yao shook his head.

After a while, he thought of something again, and felt that he should tell her: "It's just that I have some thoughts occasionally."

Yin Ran'er frowned slightly: "What idea?"

Bad thoughts.

For so many years, the demonic energy has been subtly eroding his mind, especially when the spiritual power is not equal, the darkness in his heart will be magnified by the temptation.

Including these days, when he couldn't see her during the day, there was a voice deep in his heart that said she would not come back again, and all this was just his short-lived wishful thinking.

Then that voice would lure him to go crooked ways, take shortcuts, and even kill people to steal other people's power, so as to quickly heal his body.


She'll come back, she won't like that.

"Some bad ideas that Master won't like..." The boy just said ambiguously, and then he smiled innocently as if nothing happened:
"But every time as long as Master is by my side, those thoughts will all disappear."

He didn't say specifically, but Yin Ran'er probably guessed it pretty well.

He is willing to tell her things like this, which is enough to prove how much he believes in her.

(End of this chapter)

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