Chapter 482
Now that Qi Yao has almost recovered, Yin Ran'er will naturally keep his promise and take him to the human world.

On this day, after she had arranged some matters in the spirit world, she set off with the boy.

After leaving the spirit world, in a place far away from the fairy world, there is a fairy platform.

In fact, it is not considered the management scope of the fairy world, it is at the junction of the two worlds.

There is a black vortex floating on the stage, a bit like a black hole, constantly attracting people and other objects around it.

You can use the "black hole" to go down to other realms from here, and she passed through here before going to the Demon Realm.

"Are you ready?" She turned to look at Qi Yao, and took his hand.

Qi Yao tilted his head slightly, trusting blindly: "As long as I'm with Master, I can be ready anytime."

Even if he wasn't ready, she would definitely not let him have an accident.

Yin Ran'er chuckled, and patted his head: "Poor mouth."
Above the Great Hall of the Immortal Realm, the floating beads flickered suddenly, attracting the attention of all the immortals.

"What's going on, why did this floating bead flash?"

"Could it be that another disciple has gone to the Immortal Lingtai and wants to sneak down to the lower realm?"

"Let's send someone to check it out, so as not to cause trouble."

The last sentence was said by the Great Elder. He stared at the floating bead, and some doubts appeared in his heart.

A while ago, they had told their disciples that the Six Realms Conference was about to be held, and all walks of life were not considered peaceful, so don't go down to the realms.

As a result, someone didn't obey orders today?not quite like...

"Could it be the one from the spirit world?" The elder made a guess in his heart.

All the immortals present looked solemn, and they couldn't help but pay attention to it, "It's possible."

"At this point in time, what is she doing in the lower realm?"

Someone patted his head and remembered the important point: "Hey, didn't we put photo stones around there? You can take a look."

Those photo stones were put down by Pai Xian after they visited the spirit world that day.

In order to prevent her from discovering and taking it away, they specially placed a lot of them.

The second elder didn't say much, and directly asked a few disciples to go and get the photo stone back.

All the immortals were sitting in the Great Hall of the Immortal Realm, waiting patiently.

Soon, all the photo stones were retrieved and checked one by one. The recorded images were cast in the midair of the hall like a projection.

It turned out to be nothing unusual, everything was normal.

When it came to the last few, no one had any expectations, thinking that their guess was wrong.

But they caught a glimpse of the girl's passing figure in the video.

The location of this picture stone should be at a certain corner, so it was only recorded for a moment, but it was enough.

"Look, it's Lingzun!"

"There seems to be another one beside her..."

The person was blocked by her long black gown, and she could only see a little outline of her figure, and could hardly see her appearance.

Judging from the body shape alone, he looks like a man.

The Second Elder said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid it's her wicked person with devilish energy!"

For so many years, apart from a female disciple who once wanted to worship her as a teacher, but she didn't agree, how could there be anyone else by her side?

Isn't that the villain?
"In my opinion, she should have handed over that villain instead of covering it up like this!" the Second Elder said angrily.

Even if she is the Spiritual Venerable who shelters someone who committed a felony murder of a god, she will probably have to bear the blame in the end!This will be her biggest weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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