Chapter 483
All the elders in the fairy world held an emergency meeting, and finally after discussion, they unanimously decided to send a large number of immortals to capture Qi Yao.

Bringing this sinner back, the relationship between the fairy world and the god world will be further improved, and it can be regarded as selling favors to the god world.

Baili and no harm.

Oh, if you want to say that the only harm is that their relationship with Lingzun will become tense.

However, she has protected the felons, and she will only be criticized in the future, and it doesn't matter even if the relationship becomes stagnant.

So Immortal Realm automatically eliminates this harm.

A large number of disciples and immortals were sent, and a group of immortals went to the underground world to arrest people.

They didn't know where the Spiritual Venerable took him, so they could only look for it one by one.

but it does not matter.

As long as enough manpower is mobilized to find him, it will only be a matter of time.
The scope of the human world is also very large.

There are many small worlds, just like the little white succubus before, it is to lead their consciousness to the "dream".

The so-called "dreamland" is actually thousands of small worlds.

On this trip, Yin Ran'er did not forget to bring the Dream Demon with her. After all, it is quite professional in a situation like this.

Nightmare: […] I don't want to be so professional now.

But the host enslaves it, woo woo woo.

At the beginning, it didn't expect its host to be so scary, otherwise it wouldn't provoke her.

"Little thing, what is the background of this world now?"

Yin Ran'er took the initiative to ask, having this succubus is equivalent to having it in your hand, why not use it.

[Host... You are now in an ancient plane, and the emperor is more sage, so it can be regarded as a prosperous country and a peaceful people. 】


It was already dark now, and Yin Ran'er and Qi Yao were standing on a hillside.

She glanced at the bottom of the hillside, and the city not far away was brightly lit, bustling and lively, full of human fireworks.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the young man beside him. There was a slight smile on his face, and there seemed to be bright spots in his eyes, like the light of yearning and expectation.

"Want to go to town?"

In the dark night, the girl's voice rang out along with the night wind blowing, and the coolness of the night wind seemed to be tainted with warmth.

Qi Yao nodded: "Yes!"

"Master, why don't we go into the city now."

Yin Ran'er had no objection, and followed him: "Okay."

Since he is here to play with the little goblin, let him go, do whatever he wants, as long as he is happy.

When you get to the gate of the city, explain it to the guard at the gate, then scatter some money, and you can go in.

The boy happily walked ahead, almost briskly, easily and quickly, but he looked back from time to time.

Yin Ran'er was walking behind him, not far or near, with her hands behind her back and a faint smile on her lips.

The two entered the city gate one after the other.

Walking on the street, many people paid attention to them. The looks of these two people are really a good match!She looks like a man and woman, and her way of getting along is enviable to passers-by!

"These two are a good match..."

"They've just entered the city, so they don't look familiar."

"It should be, but it's really enviable..."

There were whispers from the side of the road, but not loudly.

But Qi Yao walked fast, passing by the people who were talking, and heard them clearly, he couldn't help but feel happy.

The boy turned around and waited for her at the same spot: "Master... A Yin, hurry up."

Calling out, his heart couldn't help beating, like a child who stole candy, feeling a secret pleasure.

(End of this chapter)

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