Chapter 493
Yin Ran'er looked at the boy who was holding her in her arms, and felt that he was a little unhappy now, but she didn't know why.

I bought candied haws specially for the little goblin, and he should like to eat them, why is he unhappy?

"Qi Yao, what's the matter with you?" Yin Ran'er asked without understanding, and now she doesn't have any airs about Lingzun.

Now in front of him, she is always much more magnanimous, showing her most tolerant and patient side.

Because I hurt him too much before, I always want to make up for it.

The boy didn't speak, and was silent for a few seconds. Then, he resumed his optimistic look. He smiled and took the candied haws.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about it."

He was always afraid that she would leave, and he didn't know why...

Yin Ran'er stared at him for a while, and didn't ask any more questions. Forget it, since the little goblin doesn't want to talk about it, let's not talk about it.

"Taste." She pointed to the candied haws in his hand.

Qi Yao took a bite, the sweet and sour taste spread in his mouth, it was very delicious.

Although it is a bit sweet and greasy, but since she bought it, it doesn't matter!

"It's so sweet, Ah Yin, try it..."

Qi Yao held the candied haws forward and tried to let her have a bite, but Yin Ran'er didn't know if Yin Ran'er saw something tricky and refused.

In the end, the boy ate another big one by himself, then approached Yin Ran'er, pointed at himself, and invited her: "Do you really want to try it?"

She didn't speak, and Qi Yao's heart suddenly became tense like a drum, wondering if his actions were a bit too much...

Before the thoughts flashed through his mind, he felt his chin being pinched, followed by a warm touch on his thin lips.

Qi Yao's mind was immediately emptied, all the random thoughts and uneasiness were dispelled, and he flew to nowhere.

2 minute later.

Yin Ran'er let go of him, and replied solemnly: "Well, the taste is quite good."

The boy's face flushed instantly, and his earlobes were flushed.

This, this, this... Master actually said such shameful words in such a serious manner, how could she be like this...

Qi Yao got rid of the bunch of candied haws in his hand, and the remaining few were taken care of. His mouth was full of sweet and sour taste, but he couldn't forget the feeling just now.

It's over, hey.

"I seem to be poisoned." He pretended to be pitiful.

Yin Ran'er looked serious, and asked, "What poison?" The little goblin is fine, so why is she talking nonsense.

"I have been poisoned by the poison called Lingzun, and only the kiss of Lingzun can cure me."

Yin Ran'er: "..."

Now and only at this time, he would change his address and dig a hole here to wait for her.

"Qi Yao." She called him.

The young man secretly looked at her calmly, thinking that she should not be angry. Although her tone was a bit flat, she should not be angry.

So he decided to keep doing it.

"Would Lingzun be willing to detoxify me every day in the future? Otherwise, I might die..."

Yin Ran'er was very rude, and the straight girl said, "Then you should be poisoned."

Something went wrong!As expected, the little goblin is becoming more and more presumptuous the more she pampers her, hum.

Qi Yao continued to pretend to be pitiful, and even stretched out his hand to tug on her sleeve, pitifully: "Master, you must not have the heart for your disciple to be poisoned to death, you will definitely save him?"

(End of this chapter)

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