Chapter 494
Yin Ran'er was tortured to the point where she had no choice but to agree: "Okay, I will definitely save you. I can't bear to have you die from poisoning."

childish ghost.

System: […] Hey, let's see what I'm used to.

If the host continues like this, he will be eaten to death.

Qi Yao didn't care so much, he was very happy when the master agreed, and he went directly to her and gave her a smack on the cheek.

Yin Ran'er raised her hand and rubbed his head, "Go back to the inn."

After a day of shopping, she should be tired too, so she went back to rest, and it happened that she still had something to give him.

Back to the inn.

Qi Yao used his recent achievements in cultivation, and soon a trace of spiritual power appeared from his fingertips, covering the candle lamp, and successfully ignited it.

He turned his head and smiled at Yin Ran'er with a smug look.

"I've made progress." She didn't hesitate to praise her, and then asked, "Do you want to make progress faster?"

Qi Yao was puzzled, and tilted his head to look at her, she looked cute and cute.

Yin Ran'er couldn't help but feel soft in her heart. She walked over to the bed, sat by the bed, and waved to him.

"You go up," she said.

Qi Yao: "..."

Is Master going to double cultivate with him?so fast? !
The boy swallowed his saliva, suppressed the tension and excitement in his heart, pretended to be calm and walked towards the bed.

He rolled onto the bed, and was about to lie down when Yin Ran'er motioned him to sit cross-legged.

Qi Yao was stunned for a moment, but he did as he did, sitting cross-legged with his back to her.

Soon, the boy felt her hands on his back, and then a strong spiritual force was gradually passed over, circulating in the veins of his whole body.

After half an hour.

Qi Yao felt that the spiritual power in his body was much stronger. Although it was not equal to the magic energy, it at least temporarily suppressed the magic energy.

Leaving the spirit world for the past few days, he was indeed a little uncomfortable physically, but he didn't show it, and Master still noticed it...

Yin Ran'er stopped moving, and handed a law book into his hand from behind.

Qi Yao took the booklet and turned to look at her, "Master, what is this?"

Yin Ran'er was silent.

She stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and turned over a page, which was filled with ancient symbols of the spirit world, which he could not quite understand, so he could only vaguely recognize that it was a secret book.

She let go of his hand, and then tapped his forehead with a trace of original force from her fingertips.

Suddenly, all kinds of strange symbols seemed to come alive, separated from the page one by one, floating in the air, arranged in a special order, and flew into his forehead one by one.

Qi Yao suddenly felt a "buzzing" in his head, although it didn't hurt, but it was a bit foggy, it was a feeling of dizziness.

Soon, all these symbols disappeared and were absorbed by him.

He felt that there was an extra set of techniques for using spiritual power in his mind.

Qi Yao couldn't help being surprised: "This is..."

"The skill of using spiritual power." Yin Ran'er naturally continued the sentence.

Actually, it was she who felt that the little goblin's talent was good, and it was not worth it to ask him to cultivate slowly from scratch, so she gave him a "shortcut".

Although Qi Yao believed that Yin Ran'er would not harm him, he was still curious...

She seemed to see his doubts, and answered: "Don't worry, it's not a crooked way, this is the law book that I personally taught recently."

Personally taught?
"Just this one?" he asked expectantly.

Yin Ran'er nodded, "This is the only book in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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