Chapter 500
He was really afraid that she would be angry.

However, he couldn't bear to see other people's bad attitude towards her, so he really couldn't help but do it.

Yin Ran'er felt the temperature on his hands cool down, and the young man's fingers seemed to be trembling slightly, which showed that he was really afraid.

She exhaled slowly, calmed down, and turned to look at him: "Qi Yao, let's talk."

Maybe there are some problems that she didn't explain clearly to him, so let's talk about them openly and honestly today.

"You can do anything, the deity will support you, spoil you, and don't have any opinions, but you'd better not do anything with your hands."

With the other hand, Yin Ran'er gently brushed away the young man's hand holding her, and slowly said a few words: "I like your hands to be clean."

These words fell into Qi Yao's ears, it was a kind of harm, but she had to say it.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Qi Yao was stunned for a moment, looked down at his hand that had been brushed away, and murmured: "But my hands have long been unclean..."

From the moment he was born, his identity meant that his hands would inevitably be stained with blood.

He has done many things before, but he never told her, just because he was afraid of making her disgusted.

"The past is over, what I want is the future, can you do it?"

She didn't pursue the past, and it was meaningless to pursue it.

Yin Ran'er stared at Qi Yao steadfastly, as if she could see through all his inner thoughts from those obsidian-like beautiful eyes.

Qi Yao's eyes moved slightly, and he agreed almost without hesitation: "I can do it."

"As long as Master is with me all the time, I will definitely do it."

This is the truth.

Moreover, he dared not refuse.If you don't agree, the master will probably not want him...

Qi Yao knew Yin Ran'er's character too well. Ever since she accepted him and he was able to have close contact with her, he knew better what kind of person she liked.

Clean, pure, kind, sunny.

Because two people who are in the same darkness cannot be redeemed.

"You remember today's words."

In the end, Yin Ran'er didn't know whether to believe it or not, but just left such a sentence, like a reminder and warning.

Qi Yao breathed a sigh of relief, Master should have forgiven his behavior today.

He followed Yin Ran'er and walked slowly. After a while, feeling that the atmosphere had eased, he tried to walk side by side with her.

He quietly got into her sleeve under his hand, hooked her fingers, and interlocked them.

Yin Ran'er looked up at him, Qi Yao just smiled innocently, as if he hadn't done anything, but he still held his hands tightly.


Yin Ran'er sighed silently, there was really nothing he could do about it.

The little goblin is torturing people so much, it's hard for her to have a fit.

"Is there any place Master wants to go?" Qi Yao specifically picked up the topic, trying to please her.

The intention is simply not too obvious.


She has no place she wants to go, or rather, it feels the same everywhere.

Qi Yao thought for a while, and said softly: "Then Master, please accompany me to see the moat. At that time, there was a peddler on that bridge, and the things he sold were quite beautiful."

"Want to buy?" she asked.

Qi Yao nodded immediately: "Yeah!"

I want to buy it for Master, she should be happier if she accepts the gift!

(End of this chapter)

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