Chapter 501
Qi Yao didn't think so deeply, and now he just wants to coax the master well, and he doesn't know how to calm her down completely.

It took about half an hour.

When the two arrived at the moat, it was just like the situation when they entered the city that night. The young man walked fast in front, but stopped from time to time to look back at her.

"Master, hurry up."

Yin Ran'er: "..."

She was still angry, and the little goblin started shopping!
Yin Ran'er waved at the young man, signaling him to come over, so Qi Yao had no choice but to back up a few steps and walk in front of her.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as he asked the words, his hand was suddenly heavy, and it was the money bag that was stuffed over.

Qi Yao: "..."

Yin Ran'er said slowly: "You can choose slowly, and pay when you choose."

The implication is that there is no need to wait for her.

The young man thought about it, this is good, it can be treated as a surprise, and when he has time, let the hawker wrap it into a gift.

Qi Yao smiled at her, his smile was very bright and beautiful, as if the boy who subdued the gangster not long ago was not him.

Under the sun, Yin Ran'er was dazzled by the young man's smile, and had to admit that the little goblin really looked good when she smiled, and her eyes were shining brightly under the sunlight.

How could such eyes be eroded by darkness.

As she thought about it, her eyes darkened involuntarily, looking at his back going away, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Yin Ran'er walked unhurriedly, and when she reached the bridge over the moat, after getting on the bridge, she passed a few small stalls before seeing the boy.

He turned his back to this side, watching the movements, it seemed that he was stuffing something into his arms, mysteriously.

"Qi Yao."

The boy paused, quickly stuffed Dong XZ into his sleeve, then turned around and said, "A Yin, I'm here."

Yin Ran'er walked a few steps closer, stopped in front of him, and looked at him suspiciously: "What are you hiding?"

Still found!

Originally, I wanted to wait until the inn and give it to her before I rested at night.

Qi Yao curled his lips, and slowly pulled out a small long box from his sleeve. It was made of wood, with patterns carved on it. It was a pair of mandarin ducks.

He handed it to Yin Ran'er and looked at her expectantly: "This gift for you, open it and have a look."

For her?
Yin Ran'er was slightly surprised, she didn't expect the boy to think of giving her something, she thought it was just something he wanted to buy.

The small long wooden box was opened, and inside was a string of bracelets. The red gemstones looked crystal clear, and even shone a little when the sun shone on them.

Yin Ran'er looked at the gemstone bracelet in her hand, the red gemstone inlaid on it, she seemed to have seen it somewhere...

When she was in the small world before, she seemed to have given him similar things, so is he nostalgic for the past?

"You still remember what happened before." Yin Ran'er said lightly.

Qi Yao nodded, with a firm expression on his face: "Of course I remember, Ah Yin also said that the ruby ​​was a token of love!"

Although it disappeared later...

But now it's okay for him to send a token of love again!
"Do you like it?" The boy was a little worried.

Yin Ran'er didn't say much, but her actions proved everything. She took out the bracelet from the small wooden box and put it on her wrist directly.

"Let's go." She said lightly, turned around and planned to leave.

Qi Yao froze for a moment, and was overjoyed that the gift was a success!
(End of this chapter)

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