Chapter 504
Seeing that the boy was really angry, Yin Ran'er stopped teasing him, feeling that the joke was a bit too much.

"Okay, just to tease you." She gently embraced him, and comforted him: "I won't accept a second apprentice, if I say no, I won't."

She had already promised him, so naturally it was impossible to go back on her word.

Besides, having an apprentice like the goblin is troublesome enough, unless she is crazy, she will not want to take another one.

Qi Yao still looked angry, but after she said so, he couldn't get angry, so he just lowered his head and ate a plate of candied fruit on the table without saying a word.

Yin Ran'er managed to coax him well, and then counted and sorted the things he brought back from the human world.

For this reason, a room was specially vacated for him, where these messy things were placed.

As a result, Qi Yao had already passed out of anger, tiredness hit him, he lay on the bed in the side hall, the familiar place made him very relaxed, and he fell asleep.

Yin Ran'er looked helplessly at the person on the bed, his temper was getting worse and worse, and he was becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

No way, she's used to it.

Yin Ran'er recited it silently in her heart several times as if resigned to her fate, and then walked to the side of the bed, turned over, and gently hugged the boy to rest.

in the dark.

Qi Yao turned his back to her, and at an angle she couldn't see, the corners of his mouth secretly raised a curve, as if he was careful, with a satisfied expression on his face.
Soon, the Six Realms Conference was held as scheduled.

The location of each meeting is different. This time, I don't know how they discussed it, but they decided to hold it in the Demon Realm.

In the past, it was either in the Immortal Realm or the God Realm. No matter how bad it was, it was just to find a void and set up a barrier after entering, but it had never been held in the Three Realms of Demons and Demons.

Because some people think that they are superior and look down on the three worlds of demons and ghosts. After all, they always think that they are crooked and evil, and they are not eye-catching.

And the venue of this meeting is set in the Demon Realm, I don't know what the purpose is...

"The conference will start soon, are all the lords here?"

"No, only four have come so far."

"Four? Is the one from the spirit world here?"

"not yet."

It was the Great Elder of Immortal Realm who asked the question, and he couldn't help frowning when he got the answer.

The Lord of the Immortal World is still in seclusion. It was said that he was about to leave the seclusion some time ago, but it may not be able to catch up with this Six Worlds Conference, so the Immortal World is represented by him and other elders.

What happened to the one from the spirit world?

The Second Elder on the side became suspicious because he heard the news, so he came over and dragged the First Elder to talk to the other side.

"Didn't we look at the photo stone before, and the spirit master went to the lower realm, so it could be that he hasn't come back yet?"

The Great Elder didn't know either. He shook his head and had the same question in his heart. He said in a deep voice:
"We have been searching for a while, and we have sent a lot of people, but we haven't found the whereabouts of Lingzun and that villain."

So far, there are still many people looking for them, but no news has come back.

He originally thought that the Six Realms Conference would be held as scheduled, and she would come back, but now it seems...

"Hiss, isn't that Spirit Venerable? She's back..." The Second Elder suddenly motioned him to look over there.

The great elder turned around and looked.

The girl was still dressed in a black long gown, with no expression on her face, and a faint look between her brows, and she was walking slowly from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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