Chapter 505
Now that Ling Zun is back, then, her evil disciple should also come back, right?
The First Elder and Second Elder of the Immortal Realm looked at each other, seeing guesswork in each other's eyes, and the thought in their hearts really came to mind,
The second elder immediately used the fairy technique quietly, and transmitted the sound to the disciple and several other elders.

——Qi Yao may have returned to the spirit world, you should find a way to find out the truth quickly, if you see it, you must catch it back!

After the Second Elder passed the news to his fellow disciples, a bit of complacency appeared on his face, and he looked at Yin Ran'er who was not far away, with a little contempt in his eyes.

Hmph, if we really catch that villain this time, we will definitely make it known to the world through the Six Realms Conference!

The majesty of her spirit will also plummet!
She has sat at the seat of the head of the six gods for too long, Feng Shui turns, and it is time for someone else to sit...

Yin Ran'er seemed to be aware of the gaze, and turned her head to look at the second elder. Her eyes were cold, like ice that had been silent for thousands of years, which made people tremble.

The Second Elder was startled, pretended to have nothing on the surface, and nodded to her normally as a greeting.

But she looked away and didn't look at this side again.

Second Elder: "..." Oh, what aloofness!

Quite a few people came up to greet Lingzun when they saw him, but they were all a little embarrassed by her indifferent attitude.

In fact, apart from being a little cold, the girl basically respected them, at least she didn't ignore them like she did to the second elder just now.

She will nod slightly, or give a light "um", which is regarded as a response to others, but there will be no more words.
Time flies, and the meeting will begin immediately.

The lords and elders of the fairy world who participated in the Six Realms Conference sat in the highest row of seats, and the chairs were also gaudy, symbolizing their respective identities.

Why is there no human world?
Because human beings are too weak, they all dream of cultivating immortals or obtaining extraordinary abilities. Among the candidates for selection, many of them were originally human beings, and then entered other realms.

On one side is the dark-colored Demon Lord of the Three Realms, and on the other side are the light-colored Lord of the God Realm and the Great Elder of the Immortal Realm. The Spiritual Venerable sits in the most central seat.

Her seat is all white, which should give people a peaceful and peaceful feeling, but it is inexplicably weird.

From a distance, the armrests on both sides are oval white, a bit like some kind of precious pearl, but when you look closely, you will find that it is actually the shape of a skull.

The candidate disciples who participated in the conference had already arrived on the field. As expected, many humans came, and the rest were from the fairy world or the god world.

Disciples from the three realms of demons and ghosts are not allowed to participate in the Six Realms Conference, this is the default rule.

The spirit world never cares about these things.

The God Realm and the Immortal Realm do not accept people who are "devil and evil", and they pride themselves on being noble.

And the three worlds of demons and ghosts do not allow people with different hearts to appear in the world, only internal digestion is allowed.

So after so many Six Realms Conferences, all walks of life have achieved a surprisingly harmonious scene.

This is also the reason why they wanted to arrest Qi Yao, because his appearance broke this harmonious scene. The righteous way cannot tolerate evil people, and the evil way cannot tolerate traitors.

At this moment, all the candidate disciples on the field are full of energy to meet the upcoming challenge.

"Candidates, please prepare, the conference officially begins."

(End of this chapter)

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