Chapter 547
In an ice room in the magic palace.

The huge ice bed was placed in the center, exuding a chilly air, and the temperature of the entire ice room was extremely low.

The boy was lying on the ice bed, still wearing the same black cloak.

He frowned, closed his eyes tightly, his face was pale, and even his lips were almost bloodless, as if he had a nightmare, which was very painful.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, stared at the ceiling for a long time, gasping for breath, his chest heaving.

It was good not to move, but this movement involved the wound instead, causing a chain reaction, all internal organs were colic, and the tearing sensation could be clearly felt.


How is this going?

Under the pain, Qi Yao didn't have time to think, and instinctively wanted to curl up his body to relieve the pain, but found that he couldn't move at all.

He struggled to look down at his body, his pupils shrank slightly!His hands and feet were actually imprisoned by iron rings and tied to the ice bed!

What the hell happened, why is it here...

where is this?

Qi Yao frowned and tried hard to recall, but the memory in his mind seemed to be broken, and he couldn't remember anything.

He remembered that he was fighting with the Demon Lord, and in the end he couldn't hold on any longer, so he handed over the control of his body to the demon... What happened next?

Head hurts.

Qi Yao couldn't think of it, his headache was about to split, and the veins on his forehead popped up, and it was kind of terrifying.

He struggled violently, trying to break free from the iron rings on his hands and feet, and get rid of the confinement, but it was all in vain.

The ice bed beneath him exuded a thousand-year-old cold air, which penetrated into his body, suppressing the devilish energy in his body, making it impossible to mobilize smoothly for a while.


The boy screamed, excruciatingly painful, desperately looking for an outlet to vent!
However, the next moment, the door of the ice room was slowly opened from the outside and closed to both sides.

Qi Yao's eyes were gloomy, and he raised his eyes to look in the direction of the voice, but immediately recognized the person, his expression froze, as if it was fixed on his face.

"you're awake."

The girl's tone was light, she stood with her hands behind her back, and walked in slowly against the light. The light outside was too dazzling, making it difficult to see her expression clearly.

Qi Yao suddenly seemed to be strangled by a pair of invisible big hands, unable to say a word, he could only watch her walking towards this side, and finally stood by the ice bed.

Is he dead?
still dreaming...

"The injury on your body is very serious. It's normal to be in pain. You can only be patient." Yin Ran'er confessed a few words, her attitude was very normal, as if there was no conflict at all between the two of them, nor did they experience parting .

After the demon king died last night, she knocked Qi Yao out of the demon palace.

Originally, he planned to go back to the spirit world to recuperate, but he thought that he was now in a demonized state, and his strong demonic energy would definitely be rejected by the spirit world, and it might even hurt him.

So she found this ice room in the magic palace and put him here, while she herself stood guard outside the door from time to time.

She just opened the door and came in after hearing Qi Yao's painful screams.

"This ice bed is useful for your recovery, and no one will come here, so don't worry."

Qi Yao didn't respond, but just stared at her intently.

He seemed to want to raise his hand, but was restrained by the iron ring, which restricted his movement.

Finally, Qi Yao gave a cold smile, his thin lips moved, and said word by word: "You don't need to be hypocritical!"

(End of this chapter)

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