Chapter 548
Yin Ran'er stood beside the ice bed, looking down at the young man lying on the ice bed, with a somewhat gloomy expression.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Where is the hypocrisy?Ever since Tan Ming had a crush on him, she had always treated him sincerely.

Goblin, never talked to her like this before...

Qi Yao didn't respond, and closed his eyes, with a look of repelling others thousands of miles away.

Yin Ran'er took a deep breath, suppressed his temper, and patiently refused to be as knowledgeable as him.

Just after he was demonized, his temperament has changed a lot, it's fine.

"Your injuries are serious, and your body is full of demon energy. I can't use spiritual power to help you heal. You can only heal slowly by yourself."

She supported the side of the ice bed, stretched out her hand to gently caress the boy's cheek, touched the corner of his eye, and comforted him: "Be quiet, don't make fun of your life."

If he keeps resisting the treatment, this body won't last long at all, and it will be completely scrapped.

If the little goblin were more docile, as usual, it would be easier to talk...

Unexpectedly, Qi Yao suddenly turned his head away, refusing her touch, being stubborn and unable to listen to her advice.

Yin Ran'er's hand fell into the air, her fingers could not help but gradually closed, she slowly clenched her fist, endured it as much as she could, and then let go.

to pet...

The little goblin wants to be petted, not beaten, so treat him better.

No, he just needs to clean up!

Yin Ran'er couldn't bear it anymore, reached out and pinched Qi Yao's chin, forcing him to turn his head to face her, and said in a more serious tone: "Open your eyes and look at me."

The pain from the jaw is not obvious, but it should not be ignored.

The boy's body couldn't help but froze, obviously shocked by the sudden change, he could only open his eyes and stare at her, there was even a trace of resentment in his eyes.

"Qi Yao, do you still remember who I am?"

Yin Ran'er looked at him, as if she wanted to see any difference from the boy's face, and wanted to catch his other expressions.

Perhaps his mind was affected by the demon energy, or there was something unspeakable hidden...

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become what it is today.

I don't know good and bad, and I am stubborn.

Qi Yao's eyes were deep and deep, which was the expression she was most displeased with before.He sneered, but confronted her tit-for-tat: "Oh, you are a lofty spiritual master."

Powerful, cold-tempered.

She doesn't care about any rules of the Six Realms, and she doesn't have to abide by any promises and agreements.

She has already taken in a new apprentice, so it's up to her to care what he does...

Qi Yao's injury was indeed serious, his whole body was in severe pain, and he could even feel his internal organs were burning, but nothing could compare to his heartache at this moment.

There was a dense pain in his heart, as if being pricked by countless needles, and he was so suppressed that he could hardly breathe.

But it cannot be seen through by her.

At least, in front of her, he wants to retain the last bit of dignity...

Here, Yin Ran'er was also very angry, and felt a sense of irritability in her heart. She knew that the boy must have something to hide from her, but looking at it like this, he probably wouldn't take the initiative to say it.

I really want to knock open his head and see what's going on inside!
She felt that if she stayed any longer, she really couldn't help but do something, so she had to try her best to calm down and change the subject.

"If you want to be a Demon Lord, you'd better take care of your body obediently, otherwise it will be a waste of effort."

"Recently, this deity will temporarily help you stabilize the Demon Realm..."

Yin Ran'er seemed to want to say something, but hesitated, let go of his jaw, and straightened up.

Seeing the reddish chin of the boy who was pinched, she couldn't help rubbing her fingers a few times, but in the end she just gave him a meaningful look, restrained her thoughts, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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