Chapter 549
Qi Yao didn't understand what she was thinking.

Really, it seems completely out of the question... No, maybe it should be said that he has never seen through her.

What kind of person is this noble and indifferent Spirit Venerable, and what is he thinking in his heart?

Qi Yao was lying on the ice bed with his back against the cold ice, his whole body was shrouded in the constant chill, but it couldn't be more chilling.

Heartache, even to the point of numbness.

Everything now is too unreal, like an endless nightmare, I don't know when it will be entangled before it will end...


Qi Yao muttered to himself, softly reciting the familiar title in a voice that was almost non-existent.

When I closed my eyes, what appeared in my mind was her face, which I couldn't get rid of.

——With your current physical condition, there is no way to leave here.

The voice of the inner demon echoed faintly, but he didn't say any more. It seemed that he just reminded the young man and then hid himself.

After the battle with the Mozun, Qi Yao could feel that the resentment in his body had been exhausted, and it was considered to be seriously injured.

Heh, after all, it is a desperate fight for the honor...

Qi Yao didn't respond to the voice in his heart, he put on a cold face, took a deep breath, suppressed all messy thoughts, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath slowly.

The ice room was surprisingly quiet, only the chill that filled the room could not be dispelled.


at the same time.

In the streets and alleys of the Demon Realm, stories about the Demon Palace were spread everywhere, and some demons speculated that something happened to the Demon Lord.

Just before, some demons saw the changes in the magic palace with their own eyes.

After the Demon Lord's barrier was broken that day, a powerful and chaotic demonic energy burst out, and there were strange phenomena in the world, and even the outside of the Demon Palace was greatly affected.

Countless demons rushed to the hall immediately, but they were one step too late after all, and only saw the mess in the hall after the fight.

The Demon Lord is gone.

You don't see demons when you are born, and you don't see corpses when you die.

It was announced that the whereabouts of the Demon Lord is temporarily unknown, but the demons all have more or less guesses in their hearts.

Master Mozun should have encountered an accident...

Just at this time, all the devils with evil intentions showed their true colors, especially those sons of the devil, all of them controlled the power and were ready to wait for the opportunity to move.

Blood relationship?
This kind of thing is not too important to the devil world. They mainly advocate that the strong are kings.

All the demons know that the demon world is about to change...

However, when rumors were flying all over the sky and all forces were ready to move, a new mysterious force intervened, which caught them off guard!

At first, there were two powerful sons of the demon king, who planned to test this power, but soon found that they couldn't compete at all, so they had to give up.

No one knows who is manipulating all this behind the scenes, like a pair of invisible big hands, fixing the situation and maintaining a delicate balance.

It was so weird that it made people dare not act rashly for a while.

The devil world has fallen into an unprecedented deadlock...

But at this moment, the instigator of all this is living in seclusion in a remote valley, sitting safe and sound by the medicine stove.

Yin Ran'er was slowly fanning the fire while sipping a cup of tea with the other hand, so she was very leisurely.

She took a sip of her tea, raised her eyes, and looked away indifferently, and landed on a door not far away.

The wooden door opened and closed, and then, a familiar figure walked out of it...

(End of this chapter)

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