Chapter 551
Magic Palace.

In an inconspicuous dark corner, suddenly, two pure black lights flashed quickly.

The crows on the tree were alarmed, and they scrambled to flap their wings and fly away, and the shadows of the trees shook...

Yin Ran'er and Bai Lian came out of the darkness one after the other.

Just now, she used a spirit technique to teleport them here, and she didn't let the demon crowd around the gate of the demon palace see it, otherwise it probably caused a lot of panic.

Who would have imagined that Master Lingzun would come to the Demon Palace if he didn't stay in the spirit world properly...

Yin Ran'er followed the route in memory, and soon entered the secret passage, and came to the door of the ice room.

The thick stone door was in front of her, and it was tightly closed. She put her hand on the wall next to her and pressed the secret compartment.

The stone door was slowly retracted to the two sides, and suddenly, a chill came over the face, indicating how cold the temperature inside was.

This ice room will cause certain physical harm to people with low cultivation bases, and they cannot bear it.

Yin Ran'er raised her pace and walked in, signaling Bai Lian to stop and stay at the door.

Bai Lian knew that his cultivation was not enough, and the host had to spend a two-person world with his little brother... He stopped tactfully, stayed in front of the door, and watched her go in.

The stone door closed again, completely cutting off the space on both sides.

The boy lying on the ice bed was lying in the middle, and the surrounding air was constantly emitting cold air, which penetrated into his body.

The young man's face was pale, his thin lips almost lost their color, and he seemed to be in a bad condition.

He closed his eyes tightly and frowned, as if he was in pain, and he seemed to be having a nightmare, dreaming of something that disgusted him.

Yin Ran'er walked to the ice bed and looked at him quietly, as if she didn't feel any chill, which had no effect on her.

Is it painful?

Seems like he looks in pain.

She paused for a moment, took out the small porcelain bottle containing the elixir, and opened the stopper. Inside was the pure black elixir—it could suppress the demonic nature and repair the tendons and lungs injured by the demonic energy.

"Qi Yao, take the medicine." She said softly.

Hearing the familiar voice, the boy opened his eyes suddenly, turned around and saw Yin Ran'er standing by the ice bed, and the pure black pill in her hand.

Qi Yao stared at her fixedly for a few seconds, mixed with a bit of coolness, then he turned his head away, looked away again, and stopped looking at her.

It was a very depressing look... mixed with too many emotions that Yin Ran'er couldn't understand, it was complicated and indescribable.

She didn't know what Xiao Yao was thinking carefully, but he just didn't want to say it, and he couldn't force him to tell her.

What went wrong?
Yin Ran'er was a little irritable, and tried to suppress it, intending to let him take the elixir first, after all, the body is important.

"Taking the elixir will heal faster and relieve pain."

She patiently talked for a while, but Qi Yao still didn't want to pay attention to it, with a look of resistance, and didn't speak.

Yin Ran'er simply didn't say anything more, it was useless to talk, and he couldn't listen to it anyway.

She leaned down slightly, reached out and pinched the boy's chin, straightened his tilted head, and then forced the pill into his mouth!

Qi Yao: "!!!"

He struggled violently, resisting to the extreme, as if it was some poisonous medicine, but his hands and feet were tied to the ice bed, unable to move at all.

"Eat it, don't spit it out." Yin Ran'er covered his mouth with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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