Chapter 552
The young man stared straight at her, his eyes tinged with anger and resentment, as if he wanted to see through the person in front of him.

He couldn't move, his mouth was covered, and he made an indistinct "uuuu" sound, and was forced to swallow the pill.

Yin Ran'er didn't like this kind of look the most, it was dark and full of resentment.

Her face was slightly cold, she calmed down her temper, tried her best to suppress the discomfort in her heart, and acted as if she hadn't seen anything.

It wasn't until Qi Yao's throat moved and he had the movement of swallowing that he finally confirmed that he had swallowed the pill.

Yin Ran'er's expression softened a little, and the hand covering his mouth also relaxed...


A sudden pain.

The young man suddenly got angry, and bit her hand hard, and he could even see the tooth marks on his fingers were not shallow, and the skin was broken and bleeding!
The little goblin belongs to the dog family, what is wrong with it? !
She kindly fed him medicine, but even bit her!

Yin Ran'er's heart sank, she withdrew her hand suddenly, and couldn't help frowning, her expression was a little scary...

However, when she raised her eyes to look at Qi Yao, she found the corners of his eyes were slightly red, and she couldn't tell whether it was because he was mad or because he felt sorry for her.

Yin Ran'er thinks it's the latter.

"Why are you biting me?" She asked expressionlessly, her tone was light, almost indifferent, but she added:

"It hurts."

Just, inexplicably a little funny feeling.

These words fell into Qi Yao's ears, but his heart couldn't be controlled, followed by a sting, and bursts of sour feelings spread...

Yin Ran'er observed the subtle changes in the young man's expression, and she understood it, as she expected.

Sure enough, the goblin still cared about her very much.

It's just that for some unknown reason, he was having trouble with her.

Yin Ran'er felt that it was necessary to open up and have a talk to see what was going on.

Regardless of the cold, she sat directly beside the ice bed, pulled into the distance between the two, and stretched out her injured hand in front of his eyes.

Look, you made it all up!

"You hate me so much?" Yin Ran'er pretended to be a little lonely, and asked knowingly.

Qi Yao had never seen her look like this before, he couldn't help being stunned, his mind went blank.

In the past, Lingzun's attitude was always clear and cold, and occasionally when facing him, he would show a bit of tenderness and pampering.

But no matter what, it will definitely not be like this now...

Qi Yao felt that he couldn't bear it, as if a big stone was pressed on his heart, he was so depressed that he couldn't breathe.

But, but it's obviously her fault!

It was she who broke the contract, she broke the promise to accept others as apprentices, and she never waited for him in the Linggong Palace, so he couldn't help but go back once and wasted money.

Qi Yao's heart was cut like a knife, but facing Yin Ran'er's current attitude, he was speechless for a while.

"You hate me?"

She restrained her expression, and repeated it quietly, as if confirming to him.

Qi Yao closed his eyes, forced himself to calm down, and said calmly, "I'm just a fallen devil, how dare I hate Lord Lingzun?"

This detached attitude...

Yin Ran'er became restless and wanted to pry his head open to see what he was thinking.

Regardless of the blood on her hand, she simply stretched out her hand to pinch his chin again, with a lot of strength: "Why don't you call me Shizun anymore, didn't you call Shizun all day long?"

Are you even unwilling to recognize the teacher now?

Qi Yao resisted not opening his eyes, and stubbornly said coldly: "I am not worthy of this status."

(End of this chapter)

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