Chapter 556
It's right.

Lingzun's new apprentice is Qi Yao's forbidden zone, and if he mentions it, he will be affected.

He obviously has nothing left, only her.

Why would someone come to take her away? !

Qi Yao couldn't control his thoughts at all, once malicious thoughts appeared, they would easily take root and grow crazily.

In this way, it is in line with the wishes of the demon, and it has an opportunity to take advantage of.


The young man suddenly let out a muffled snort, his brows were furrowed, and he seemed to be in great pain, even his face turned pale.

"Qi Yao!"

Yin Ran'er's face changed, and she didn't care about the bad atmosphere with him just now, she stepped forward a few steps and walked to his side.

"What's wrong with you, where are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Qi Yao didn't respond, but his face became more and more unwell, he clenched his teeth, and the veins on his forehead faintly emerged.

What is he trying to endure...

She tapped the acupuncture points on his body twice quickly, trying to relieve his symptoms, but it didn't work, the acupuncture points were quickly washed away!
Yin Ran'er frowned, thinking of the elixirs she exchanged earlier, there were still some less effective ones, and she brought them by the way.

In order to cultivate power to manage the demon world, it was handed over to Bai Lian for safekeeping in his space, and to be used by Bai Lian to suspend his life when necessary.

Maybe it will have some effect on Qi Yao's current situation...

She turned around and was about to go out to find someone, trying to get the elixir back.


Qi Yao's consciousness was fuzzy, and seeing Yin Ran'er's back in a trance, a huge panic surged in his heart, almost drowning him.

"Don't..." The young man may have been dazed by the pain, but he begged bitterly, his voice trembling: "Don't abandon me again, Master."

The girl stopped abruptly, and looked back at him, her usually calm and indifferent eyes were tinged with disbelief.

It's a pity that the young man is in too much pain now, the energy in his body is disordered and restless, as if burning his internal organs, he can't see it.

Can't bear it.

Yin Ran'er admitted that she couldn't bear to leave at this moment, after all, Qi Yao had never been so abnormal, he needed her.

What a careless little fairy...

"Don't go, don't leave me, okay?"

Probably, now Qi Yao didn't know what he was talking about anymore, and his hostility faded away, only relying on a little nostalgic memory, like a helpless child: "A Yin..."

Yin Ran'er's heart was shocked, and she took a deep look at the boy lying on the ice bed, and she sighed imperceptibly.

Hey, I really owe him.

She leaned down, lay half of her body on the ice bed, and gently hugged the restless boy: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

"A Yin? Don't go..."

"Okay, I won't go."

Although it might make him feel better to get the elixir, Yin Ran'er doesn't feel at ease leaving him alone in the ice room with his current appearance.

Forget it, since the reunion until now, it was the first time that the little fairy showed her vulnerable side in front of her eyes.

It's nothing for her to sacrifice a little more.

Yin Ran'er shook her head helplessly, hey, she really indulged him more and more.

Qi Yao seemed to be in a lot of pain, he wanted to get rid of the restraints on his hands and feet, and wanted to curl up his body, but he was strangled so badly.

"Bang bang——"

He clenched his hands into fists and smashed hard on the ice, leaving red marks on his hands, bleeding from his wrists and ankles!Even so, they couldn't break free.

The voice in my heart is constantly clamoring, disturbing my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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