Chapter 557
——Tsk tsk, you have reached such a painful point, and she is still indifferent, refusing to loosen your shackles.

The inner demon began to put on a show, gloating and provoking him.

Qi Yao seemed eager to confirm something, urgently said: "Master, can you help me untie it, don't tie me up."

"Please, Yin..."

Yin Ran'er tried to communicate with him, trying to stabilize his emotions: "Qi Yao, calm down."

"Let me go!" He really had enough of being trapped every day, as if he had returned to the time when he was chained in a dungeon, life would be worse than death.

"I told you to let me go!"

The young man's condition became more and more wrong, the demonic energy in his body was rampant, painful and irritable, and he urgently needed an outlet to vent.

The hostility in his body became more and more intense, he couldn't control his body, and wanted to destroy everything...

He is going to kill!
Yin Ran'er saw the boy's intentions, and her face darkened, because she couldn't let him do any dirty things.

She simply put out her hands to hold his face, and bent down.


Suddenly, Qi Yao's lips were blocked, covered with a touch of warmth, the soft touch pulled him a little bit, and the other party tried to get in a trace of original power. …

This energy is so familiar.

Qi Yao's breathing gradually became heavier, with a bit of haste, following the familiar energy, trying to keep it.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the girl's face close at hand, his mind went blank, and he forgot any reaction.

after awhile.

The young man's consciousness gradually came back, and he realized that Yin Ran'er was actually kissing him.

How could she be like this.

"Be serious." Well, the goblin didn't pay attention!
The girl's voice is a little hoarse, but at this moment, it will only appear more intimate and seductive.

Qi Yao didn't know what happened to him just now, but he knew that under the current situation, it was impossible for him to refuse her contact.

Besides, he wouldn't reject her in the first place, he longed for her...

About 10 minutes passed.

Yin Ran'er confirmed the young man's state again and again, making sure that his consciousness had returned, and that the devilish energy in his body had been suppressed by her just now, so she slowly let go of his face.

Today, no one expected this sudden change, so after waking up, neither of them spoke in a weird way, and the atmosphere tended to gradually become stiff.

I don't know how long the two of them were relatively silent, but in the end it was Yin Ran'er who broke the deadlock.

"What happened to you just now?"

Her eyes fell on Qi Yao again, and she glanced up and down a few times, but she didn't see any problem for the time being, she guessed:

"Is the consciousness disturbed by the demonic energy? But why can't I suddenly control the demonic energy..."

Yin Ran'er also guessed, and these words were only based on her calculations to test him.

Qi Yao didn't notice this.

At this moment, with his face pressed against the ice, he felt the biting chill even more, and his heart sank.

Isn't it all because of her to be in this state now?How could she imprison him like before, get close to him, even pretend she didn't know anything, and ask him back?

Now he was hunted down by the demon world, but fell into her hands again, and was imprisoned in this ice room...

No matter what, he couldn't trust her completely.

Even if we had sex with her just now...

(End of this chapter)

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